⭐️ My Vision of The Wheel


#NationofIslam #TheWheel #Mothership #Motherplane #ufo 


⭐️ My Vision of The Wheel

Is Anyone  Having Visions of The Wheel?

I recently had a Vision of The Wheel. I just so happen to look out the window and I saw a baby plane fly by going very slow. It was very low to the ground.  It was broad daylight so I could see it crystal clear. As I looked up it was headed North East.

Excitedly I was calling on my other family members telling them what I had just seen. And as I was looking up into the sky The Wheel Appeared.

It was HUGE, and also flying very low on the same course the other baby plans was on. 

Unlike the baby plane, The color Appeared all Black and what looked like Gold lines on it. Those could have been lights, but it looked like gold.

The babyplane or The Wheel didn't make a sound.

It would have been cool if I could have gotten a ride up out of here. 



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