
Showing posts from October, 2024

⚠️ Did I Talk About Florida? Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

Image ⚠️ Did I Talk About Florida? Messiah @LouisFarrakhan   Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "Florida, are you becoming the epicenter of God's Plague ? I asked God to do that. While Florida was white all the way around with low infection rates, it turned deep red. I asked God for that.  I just want to show you that this man that is talking to you has power with God. I’m not fake. I’m the real deal. You can take it or let it alone.  Why did I ask God to drop that on Florida? Because Florida has stood in the way of a better relationship of our government with CUBA .  We want what Cuba is developing. Because of you, Florida, and those that ran out or were run out of Cuba , who were members of the Jewish community, who lost everything, your hatred for #FidelCastro has caused America to be blind now. … I asked God to bring down the virus heavily on Florida because 90 miles from Florida our Cuban family, when the plague broke out in Wuhan, th...

🚨 The Real Reason A Great Earthquake Will Destroy California And Many Cities In America

  #NationofIslam #BombCyclone #Atmosphericriver #earthquake #tsunami #www3 #Armageddon #Gog #Magog #Russia #China #Iran 🚨 The Real Reason A Great Earthquake Will Destroy California And Many Cities In America ⚠️ “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord, Master Fard Muhammad says: You (πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²) are the one I spoke of in former days by My servants , Elijah Muhammad and Messiah @LouisFarrakhan , prophets of Nation of Islam.   At that time they prophesied for YEARS that I would bring you(πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²) against them.   This is what will happen in that day: WHEN Gog attacks Nation of Islam , My HOT ANGER will be aroused, declares the Sovereign Lord.  In My zeal and FIERY WRATH I declare that at that time there shall be a GREAT EARTHQUAKE in America .  The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will TREMBLE at My Pres...

πŸŒ™ Until The Angels Complete Their Work

  #weather #Tornado #Earthquake #Tsunami #hail #wind #snow #flashflood #hurricane πŸ•― Who Has Power over Rain, Hail, Snow, & Earthquakes? The Lord's TWO WITNESSES, WHO Are THEY? The Bible Teaches us In the book of Revelation (11:3) about God's TWO WITNESSES . These are TWO MEN whom God Himself says He has GIVEN power over the forces of Nature.   "And I will appoint My TWO WITNESSES, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” Revelation 11:3 Who are these TWO MEN that God has given such incredible power to? If we keep reading God says this of His TWO WITNESSES : "THEY have POWER to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have POWER to turn the waters into blood and to STRIKE the earth with EVERY kind of PLAGUE as OFTEN as THEY WANT." ⚠️ Have you ever considered God never mentions "Mother Nature" ONE TIME in the Bible yet all these fake news met...

⚠️ A LONG Walk To Safety: Learning From Their struggles.

#NationofIslam #Bombcyclone #atmosphericriver #disasterpreparedness #earthquake #tsunami #tornado #hurricane  ⚠️ A LONG Walk To Safety: Learning From Their struggles . ⭐️  This video shows us in real time what some of us may soon go through. As you read her words, watch her video of how they are evacuating.  ⚠️ "Chimney Rock day 3. We packed whatever we could carry on our backs and started our journey to the fire department.  Multiple roads had collapsed so we were climbing up the mountain and through properties looking for a detour.  Thank god for our neighbors who had already taken the trip quite a few times Taking families with small children. #westernnorthcarolina #chimneyrock #hurricanehelene #asheville #lakelure #northcarolina #fyp πŸ•― Because all the roads and highways are washed out, after 3 days with no help, this family decided to walk out of their town to safety.  This is why it's important to have safety ...

πŸ•― After Disaster: How To Deal With Foul Odors, Smell of Dead Bodies

#earthquake #tsunami #tornado #hail #tornado After Disaster: How To Deal With Foul Odors; Smell of Dead Bodies: @VicksVapoRub  In areas destroyed by Hurricane Helene the reports were dying and decaying dead bodies everywhere.  The people were complaining of the smell. WHEN Cataclysmic destruction strikes where we live there may be millions having to evacuate or being evacuated to where we live  Some with only the clothes on their backs. Some, less than that.  There will be many without emergency go bags and have no clean clothes to change or deodorant.  We may come in contact with the victims of these tragedies or be a victim ourselves. Whether serving them, being housed together,  or traveling with each other. A survivor, Someone who survives a near death experience while seeing many killed will be suffering emotional trauma most just can never imagine.  But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns the magnitude o...