⚠️ Did I Talk About Florida? Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP882ySCe/ ⚠️ Did I Talk About Florida? Messiah @LouisFarrakhan Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "Florida, are you becoming the epicenter of God's Plague ? I asked God to do that. While Florida was white all the way around with low infection rates, it turned deep red. I asked God for that. I just want to show you that this man that is talking to you has power with God. I’m not fake. I’m the real deal. You can take it or let it alone. Why did I ask God to drop that on Florida? Because Florida has stood in the way of a better relationship of our government with CUBA . We want what Cuba is developing. Because of you, Florida, and those that ran out or were run out of Cuba , who were members of the Jewish community, who lost everything, your hatred for #FidelCastro has caused America to be blind now. … I asked God to bring down the virus heavily on Florida because 90 miles from Florida our Cuban family, when the plague broke out in Wuhan, th...