🕯 In This Terrible Time: Another Way Through The Great Freeze 🥶🥶🥶


#NationofIslam #FruitofIslam #MGTGCC #Hypothermia #Freeze #Artic #ArticBlast #Blizzard #snow #snowstorm #poweroutage #icestorm #DisasterPreparedness #keroseneheater #woodstove 


🕯 In This Terrible Time: Another Way Through The Great Freeze 


Have You NEVER Considered A Wood Burning Stove To Heat A Room In Your Home WHEN The Great and Dreadful Freeze of the United States of America Begins?

🕯A WOOD BURNING STOVE is another excellent way to stay warm WHEN The temperature drops 30 to 70 BELOW ZERO.

Woodburning stoves start at around $400 for the smaller dwarf stoves. The Larger stoves run up into the Thousands. 

⚠️ Even if we live in tiny apartments, condos, or townhouses where they don't allow wood stoves, IF we get one and just keep it UNTIL The Dreadful Day Arrives

And THEN, WHEN the power goes out, and it's 40 BELOW ZERO, with no cellphones,  you can fire that wood burning stove up to save your family without worrying about anyone bothering you.

Just figure out now how you will install an exhaust vent to let the smoke outside whether that be through a window or wall. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️ One great thing about Wood burning stoves is even if we live in the inner city we can literally get Wood very very cheap and even free at many places trying to get rid of wood.

And Even if we have to buy wood, to stock up 3 months of wood for our stoves is considerably less than storing 3 months of kerosene, gasoline, propane, etc

On FB marketplace, Craigslist, or Google search for  firewood. Some places on Craigslist and FB give it away.

video on wood dwarf burning stoves:


Dwarf Wood Stoves:


⭐️⭐️ This site sells smaller,  portable woodburning stoves for campers and rv's starting around $100. We should definitely check these out because if they can heat up those campers, they can keep a room in our homes warm during THE GREAT FREEZE 

Fire Pit Surplus: www.firepitsurplus.com 


If we don't NOT have a fireplace we really need to consider a second source, a back up, to heat your home or a room in your home should you lose power in a severe snow or ice storm.

Your back up source of heat shouldn't require electricity.

Or Have you NOT considered a Kerosene heater? Kerosene heaters do not require any electricity. 

You can find them at most stores, online, and even on EBAY and thrift shops. 

Kerosene heaters are completely safe with proper use.

Kerosene heaters have been safely used for more than a century. Some of us may remember those cold winters with the kerosene heaters going.

This is all about survival. 

And whether you believe it's coming or not, when the temp drops 40 to 50 below zero, if you didn't go get a heater, you will remember these words as you are sitting in a cold room watching the air you breath freeze right before your eyes.

Kerosene is easy and safe to store. it's not so easy to burn up kerosene in an explosion like propane, gasoline, and other deadly gases

All of us should really look into buying a kerosene heater before the winter comes.

I know some of us have a fear of carbon monoxide poisoning. 

With proper use you really have nothing to worry about. 

Carbon monoxide is given off when you are burning wood, candles, and even gas from your stoves. 

You always have to be mindful of it, which is why a carbon monoxide detector is another thing to think about getting for this winter.  

But Kerosene heaters are safe. They sell kerosene cookers too.

When you first fire up your kerosene heater it will give off the odor of burning kerosene. 

That is NOT carbon monoxide. Carbon Monoxide has no odor

And once the heater is properly "Broken" in, the smell will not be as prevalent.

If you buy grade A or 1 kerosene, it will give off less and less smell.  

We can also order Kerosene in Bulk. Google it for your city. Some places will deliver. 

In the early 19th century, most hotels used Kerosene heaters with zero problems.

Please send donations to $DOOMALERT or paypal.me/doomalert

#Snowstorm #icestorm #blizzard #snowdoom winterstorm freeze


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