
Showing posts from December, 2022

🕯Master Fard Muhammad is Not A Liar! It's WHEN He Pleases, AS He Pleases

"Wish Nothing Bad On ANY Black Person,  EVER!" The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  ⚠️ Why do we backbite so much? Why are we ALWAYS gossiping, and slack talking about our brothers or ANY Black person for any reason. We did the Exact SAME Thing when the enemy went after #Omarosa, #BillCosby,  #Ye, #MichaelJackson #rkelly  One brother told me he hated her. (@Amarosa) I asked him "Why? What has she done to you?? He sat there speechless.😐 Five minutes later he started talking again changing the subject LOOK at Dennis Rodman. We did the SAME THING to him.  He went over to #NorthKorea years ago and became very close to North Korea's Leader #KimJungUn Then the media started mocking him relentlessly. And most us, like obedient dumb sheep we did the same thing. When Rodman came back he said KimJungUn loves America, it's just those huge Navy Warships surrounding his country he has a problem. But those weapons manufacturers and everyone else who want to pr...

SanFrancisco Will be Completely Destroyed by Earthquake & The Following Tidal Wave Will Take Out Oakland.

Image Master Fard Muhammad was 29 years old The First Time He Completely Destroyed SanFrancisco by Earthquake and Fire. In This Video we see the people at that time living their lives, not knowing a few days later the city where they live would be completely destroyed by Earthquake & Then the Fire that burned up what was left. They had to flee for their lives evacuating the city. This is coming soon for many who live on the coastlines of America. This Is Coming Soon again for SanFrancisco because the Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns SanFrancisco Will Be completely destroyed by Earthquake again. But This Time The Following tidal wave will take out Oakland. ⚠️ Always be Prepared To Evaluate Because He Told me to tell you, and he wrote it himself,  That The Coastlines of America,  ALL OF THEM, Will be destroyed. ~ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan  ⭐⭐⭐ If You Would Like To Support This Work Of Bringing Us The Best Possible Information Available To Make...

🕯 The Truth of 2023: Stop Lying

.The Messiah has been warning us about Making our word Bond. And he said many hide behind our word. We give our word never intending to keep our word.  We hide behind terms like "If it be the will of Allah."  So we can pretend it's God's fault we didn't keep our word. And after time as we repeatedly break our word then our word becomes WORTHLESS.   In this evil world, He said if we give our word, and sometimes things happen.  For one reason or another,  we forget or are not able to keep our word to another person,  then we go to that person and tell them BEFORE our word expires.  Meaning, for example, if we tell someone we will pay them back some money we owe them by Friday, then Friday should not come without us paying them back or at least telling them we won't be able to keep our word, we will have to pay them back at a later date. But some will not only not pay back the money,  we will pretend we never borrowed anything. We broke our word...

🕯 Remaining United Under Tremendous Trial

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC ⭐⭐⭐ Remaining United Under Tremendous Trial .  Looking Further into the Darkness   The very beginning of Surah 2 of the Holy Qur’an teaches us the SECRET of Success for every day of our lives including this time of intense darkness in which we now live. Allah also warns us very early right there about disbelievers. He says no matter what you do, no matter what you say, They will not believe.  In How to Escape the Last Plague: Death, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns us we should not be hanging out with disbelievers.  We should not have them as regular company.   He said it doesn't matter if they are our best friends from kindergarten or even our blood brother, if they don't believe,  once they've acknowledged that they don't believe,  not to be around them. Because the aim of the disbelievers is to drag us back down into disbelief. Drag us back into the fire. A disbeliever is different from someone who has NOT HEARD ...