⚠️ How To Survive a 3 Month Power Outage Without Losing Your Mind?




⚠️ How To Survive a 3 Month Power Outage Without Losing Your Mind?


⭐️⭐️⭐️ UPDATE: At The End of This Article are links to other articles showing us what we can do now to Prepare for WHEN the power goes out Where we live. 

Some of us have been through what many are going through now and will go through tomorrow, Life Without Electricity, In Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold. 

And We Brought Tips to Help Us Survive. 

If You have Lost Power, there are things you can do to lessen the pain until you have power again.  Please Share with all your family and friends. 

⚠️ Sometimes We Forget: Can You Imagine Temps 70 Below ZERO or 125 Degree Temps With No Electricity and No Water?

#PowerOutage: #BlackOut


🕯 The Bible says God made Moses live in the wilderness forty years BEFORE sending him to deliver His people.

He ended up bringing the people back through the same wilderness. I'm sure the things he learned along the way during those first years in the wilderness helped.

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches The Honorable Elijah Muhammad worked on a farm learning how to deal with stubborn animals eventually using what he learned to better handle stubborn people. 

He also got a job at a meat market to learn how to butcher animals so he could teach our people to do the same. So we could open our own meat markets.

Nothing we have been through will be wasted.

For over 20 years I've been asking Allah to use me to help those prepare who He wants to be prepared for the destruction we are about to face.

Sometimes we forget our prayers. 🙄

As was the case when I was living in the desert for a few years. That particular year was the hottest year ever recorded there.

During the day it got up over 120 degrees and the nights rarely got below 100 degrees.

This went on for months.

And at a certain point, the AC where I was living went out.


If you have never been in the desert, it rarely rains, maybe once or twice a month. 

The storms are mostly DUST STORMS. 

70 MPH winds blowing nothing but hot dust.

A Severe Drought is Coming for some of us.

Meaning FAMINE is not too far behind. Nothing can grow in a drought without Allah’s Permission. Because a Drought means no water.

BUT, if we save extra water now...

If we go on Craigslist and get some 55 gallon water barrels for catching rainwater, WHEN that time comes we will always have water for our gardens.

If you don't have many who use Craigslist in your area, Google BARRELS FOR COLLECTING RAINWATER.

There are some government programs, depending where you live, that can help us get those barrels.

For those who have a pickup truck or moving truck, you can buy a bunch of them and sell them to believers. You can even charge for delivery.

Anyway, to beat the heat when I was not at work I stayed at the Library.

The Library was HUGE, opened from 7am to 9pm, and was FREEZING COLD inside.

The libraries in the desert had the best AC 🥶

When it's THAT hot we have to remember to drink water. Because it gets so hot, the dry heat, we don't sweat after a while, and we get to a point where we don't really even FEEL thirsty.

This is referring to desert climate areas.

If we live in an area that usually has Very High Humidity…Can you imagine 120 degree weather with 100% Humidity?

It's coming.

Which leads to severe dehydration, heat stroke, etc.

Which happened to me.

Going to work early during the day and spending all my off time at the library, making posts and staying on top of threats and emergencies was a life saver.

Because It was so hot at night it was close to impossible to sleep. So I would just stay up sitting completely still, hoping for a breeze that never came.

At that time I was trying not to curse so much but every degree it got hotter my vocabulary started to deteriorate.

I would ask Allah why is He doing this to me? 😭😭

It was so hot!!!

I was really complaining, like Allah You KNOW I pay my charity, I get my papers, I spend 12 to 20 hours a day trying to help us get prepared, yada yada yada 🙃

Then He reminded me of my prayer. 

He reminded me that I asked Him to use me to get us prepared for what He is about to bring down.

How can I help us prepare for something I don't know?

So I was like "oh, yes that's right…"😅

⭐⭐⭐ At The bottom are LINKS to some of the articles that came from my time in the desert and cold and some of what I picked up along the way.

🚨 If you don't have THREE months of water for everyone in your home you may be dead soon WHEN you lose power in the CATACLYSMIC HEAT Allah is sending.

In normal times when we have electricity we may not use paper towels as much because the towels and washcloths we use we simply throw in the washing machine.

We won't be able to do that.

The price of paper towels will continue to rise. The big pack is nearly $25

During a power outage we may go through 3 of those big packs in 3 months.

But there is another way or something extra we can get to prepare. Most of those big stores like Walmart, Target, and Meijers sell packs of 24 washcloths for $6. 

Imagine getting 9 packs of those.

Now We have a fresh clean washing cloth for every day of the month with plenty to spare for cleaning and other uses.

Something to consider.

Have a Mylar sleeping bag for every window in your home. And duct tape  

God it was so hot. I will never forget that heat🔥🔥🔥

It was so hot, that even though this winter was not as cold as it will get, my body was still able to tolerate the cold these past few months without electricity much better and still allowing me to be able to show us what I learned through this experience.

When it's freezing cold without electricity and heat it's much easier to bury yourself in blankets to stay warm.

But When it's 125 degrees with no electricity, no breeze, there is very little you can do besides finding shade and drinking water.


⭐⭐⭐ And keep in mind not only will this help us, It Could Be…

IF we buy one of those smaller window AC units, a bunch of Wind Machine fans at Walmart,  a big solar generator, and a huge powerstation to save that electricity/power generated, and some solar panels, THEN we d be able to live very cool and comfortable during those few months of extreme heat.

⭐⭐⭐ The Money Making  #DisasterPreparedness Tip:

If we are preparing and we spend extra on #PowerStations and #PowerBanks, If we get extra #generators, power strips, long waterproof extension cords, maybe a canopy…

Have you considered a solar powered generator?

In the Denzel Washington Post Apocalyptic movie "The Book of Eli," In the movie there is no electricity in the whole country, but There is a scene where Denzel goes to this store that has a way of charging devices. So he pays the guy to charge his ipod so he can listen to his music.

That was just one of the products he sold to the people who did not have electricity.

Most people do not believe the power will ever go out in America. So They are not preparing.

WHEN the power does go out, and we get the things mentioned above, they can just pay you for some of your electricity 😎

😷 "The FOURTH angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with FIRE. They were scorched by the FIERCE HEAT, and they cursed the name of God #MasterFardMuhammad who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give Him glory." Rev 16:8

#Christ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns,  "You will find HEAT from the Sun that will be so terrific that you can't breathe it, and you'll be running seeking hiding places to find a cool breeze. That's on its way, as sure as I am standing, these things are about to hit America."

⚠️ The Deafening Silence: When The Power Goes Out


🚨 Don't Wait A Moment Longer: The Chastisement Is On It's Way To Hit Chicago


Solar Flares & Other Arrows In Master Fard Muhammad's Universe


The Shock of The Hour


Solar Storm & Life Without Electricity


3 Days of Darkness: Nationwide Blackout


Prepare For Cataclysmic Heatwave & Power Outage


You Can Never Say You Were Not Warned


⚠️ Cold So Terrific 🥶 Disaster Preparedness


🕯 Learn About The Icemakers: Power Outage - Cold Milk


#NationofIslam #Poweroutage #Houston #Heatwave #Hurricane #Tornado #Tsunami #Solarstorm #EMP #CME #Solarflare #Anker #Bluetti 




🕯"Not to us, O Lord, Master Fard Muhammad, not to us, but to Your name give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness! 

Why should the nations say, “Where is their (#NationofIslam) God?” 

Our God is in the heavens; He does all that HE pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see." Psalm 115:1-18

"I hoped and prayed that I would not have to see that (Major Earthquake). But it is coming." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

Please send donations to either VENMO @watcher19mrt or paypal.me/for or $DOOMALERT 

#fy #PowerOutage #Blackout #leavetheworldbehind #disaster #prepper #solarflare #emp #xclasssolarflare #cme #solarpower #powerinverter #OlgaMalinkiewicz #perovskites #powerbank #powerstation #anker @AnkerOfficial #SauleTechnologies #internetapocalypse #digitalcurrency 





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