⚠️ The Greatest Depression: Nursery School - A Point of Reference

#NationofIslam #Fruitofislam #MGTGCC #housing #housingmarket #realestate #realtor #housingbubble #GreatDepression #financialcrisis #financialcollapse https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8NqMVq5/ ⚠️ The Greatest Depression: Nursery School - A Point of Reference ⚠️ In Just A Few Days, WHEN the dollar crashes and bitcoin & all crypto , stocks , bonds , are all COMPLETELY WORTHLESS... WHEN the banks fail... WHEN the housingbubble BURSTS crashing the realestate market by over 70%...🤯 You ask what do I know about homesales & realestate?🙄 Absolutely nothing.😐 I am a student of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the leadership of Messiah @LouisFarrakhan. And THEY said the collapse that's coming SOON will make what happened during the Great Depression look like nursery school, meaning it will be Infinitely Worse. Well what happened to the price of housing back then? If you study THAT history instead of falling for the enemies ...