⚠️ Where Will We Run To?

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #bugoutbag #thedayofjudgment #Armageddon #Earthquake #tsunami #Fire #Gobag #DisasterPreparedness

🚨 The Coastal Plagues - This Is A Military Exercise: Which Side Are You On?

⚠️Always have A Bag packed ready to go: 

#DisasterPreparedness:(emergency #gobag) A few years ago a gas explosion devastated the Northern California city of San Bruno. Many homes in this area were completely destroyed in minutes by explosions and fire

This explosion happened around 6pm as most families were sitting down for dinner. 

Witnesses said the ground shook, and when they looked out side, they saw a ball of fire headed their way.

All of the survivors of this tragedy said the same thing. 

They barely had time to even grab their shoes, car keys, etc. 

One guy said he was walking his dog. Not even a block from his house when he saw the flames headed his way. His house was destroyed.

They barely made it out of their homes before their homes were totally destroyed.

Very few of them had bags ready to go. And when they saw the fire, it was too late to figure out what to pack then, they had to simply leave. 

And EVERYTHING they had was destroyed. They were never able to go back into those homes.

Pack your emergency bag today. While you have the peace of mind, time, and freedom to plan for such an event. 

Because we just never know when your day will come. 

The Messiah leaves at any time now. And When he is gone, the disasters will increase dramatically. 

Have you seen the fires in Turkey? They said over 100 fires started nearly at the same time destroying everything in it's path.

And ALWAYS KNOW where your Go Bag is at any time. 

And PRACTICE grabbing it and going outside. Because on That day, there will only be time to move.

Extra change of clothes(seasonal)

Vicks Vapo rub (repels mosquitos/Masks terrible smells:dead bodies/smelly people)

Hygiene supplies (deodorant /toothbrush/chapstick/wipes)

N95 masks

Safety Glasses(goggles)

Hard hat/helmet


Few first aid supplies

Safety Gloves

🕯 As the Chastisements and Plagues of Almighty God Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, continue to strike the coastal areas of 🇺🇲 and the Mass Evacuations begin…

As Louisiana runs out of Clean Drinking Water...

 REMEMBER, those who leave or relocate from those areas EARLY or FIRST, or NOW, may have a more peaceful Exodus than those who wait,  UNTIL they are soon FORCED to evacuate as they are beaten in by calamities. 

Black people (#Latinos #NativeAmericans) in Louisiana should already NOT trust our Open Enemy, especially the Army Corps of Engineers with the experience from #HurricaneKatrina...

This is a Military Exercise. 

But those who still put their trust in this enemy should remember Allah is Now DRIVING the people (By Calamities, Destruction, Famine, DROUGHT) from ALL the coastlines into the center of the country. 

IF WE LIVE on or near any of the Coastlines of America We Should Never be the last to go.

IF WE ARE Believers, UNLESS you heard #MasterFardMuhammad has changed His Mind about destroying all the Coastlines...we should be planning our next move. 

Where will we run to?

REMEMBER, At a certain point in Time, Pharaoh will send his Military to TRY and kill us from leaving America.

And If you don't believe in the Teachings and Warnings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and you survive what's about to happen, you'll still be moving VERY soon so have a place towards the CENTER of the country and/or Mexico & Canada IF you are a part of The Original Family. 

In my Vision of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he took a small group of us to Canada. 

⭐️ VISION: When The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Took Us To Canada:


⚠️ The enemy is trying to deceive us about what is really going on at the Mexican Border and WHY. 

Why do you THINK Pharaoh is sending all those troops and Military Equipment to the Mexican Border?

⚠️ Did you know MILITARY UNITS from both the #Russian and #Chinese Military marched in the Mexican Independence Day Parade a few days ago in #MexicoCity?



Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns America is about to go to war with #Russia, #China, #Japan, AND #Korea. (#NorthKorea & #SouthKorea




Do you really believe it's only about our Latino Brothers and Sisters coming into America?

They care more about Who LEAVES.

This is a Military Exercise 

Did you know it's nearly impossible for a Black man or woman convicted of a felony, on probation or parole, to go into Canada or Mexico?

According to The Holy Qur’an, Moses was on the run for MURDER When God called him to fight for His people. 

What are you running from as God is calling you?

The slave-masters' children, following after their fathers, are trying to prevent as many from escaping as they can.

Mother Tynnetta teaches The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has made preparations for our survival in MEXICO. 

Mexico: Canaan - Safety Zone For Nation of Islam


Famine, Drought & Evacuation


⭐️⭐️⭐️ And DEFINITELY REMEMBER Arkansas. 


⭐️⭐️⭐️ If you would like to support this work, Please send donations to either VENMO @watcher19mrt paypal.me/doomalert or cashapp $DOOMALERT 

Thank You 🙏🏿

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