
Showing posts from July, 2023

Writers Strike? Why Not Make Your Own Hit Show?

  #writersstrike 🫣  ⭐⭐⭐ A Film: Story By: YOU!⭐️⭐️⭐️ (On #netflix #hulu #primefilms #appletv #peacock #disneyplus)  🎞 Let Us Help You Write Your Next Blockbuster Film or streaming Series. 🎬 YOU Be The #Filmmaker 🎥 If You Write it, They Will Come To You. How many times have you wished you knew a great writer that would write the movie you have in your heart? Did you know your favorite streaming series started off with someone writing the FIRST Episode or PILOT. How many times have you prayed🙏🏿 God would send you someone you felt safe explaining your powerful idea that, IF written, would be the next #strangerthings, or #ozark,?  Did you know #TheMatrix & #Terminator films were written by a Black Woman? She gets very little credit. But she’s a Billionaire. The world is looking for new, fresh ideas for streaming content. Some of our favorite movies & tv shows started off as an idea that someone paid a writer (a litt...

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Blessings on Top of Blessings: At The Right Time

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Luxury #Money #Mansions ⭐️⭐️⭐️ WHEN You SEE More.. Sister Minister #AvaMuhammad teaches "We need a Higher Wisdom. A Higher Wisdom FORCES us to THINK we NEED MORE.  The Wiser you are, The MORE you THINK you NEED.  And when you think you need something, you go get it...  What is wrong with not GROWING in Wisdom?  When we are satisfied with too little; and that's what's wrong with Black People.  We are SATISFIED with TOO LITTLE.  And as a result, we place a ceiling on on both one another with our satisfaction with NOTHING.  It is a residual of SLAVE THINKING that we must rid ourselves of...  This is the thinking of a slave who have been deprived of the BETTER things in life... When we think small, we make a small base and try to force everyone in our sphere of influence to try to function in that narrow area...  And this is death.  That's a cemetary. In a cemetary every...

We Know God Knows Best...Right?

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC ⚠️ Ever Find Yourself Trying To Explain To #Allah A Good Way To Bless You, Help You, Or Execute Judgment on Our Enemies?  Because some of us, We CRAYZAY!!! 🤣🤣 ...”Allah what You should do is....” And We KNOW Allah is The BEST Knower.  BUT... we THINK our stuff always works sometimes 🤫 Don’t judge me🤐 But The #Bible says 🤫 “My Thoughts are NOTHING like your thoughts,” says The #LORD, #MasterFardMuhammad.  “And My WAYS are far beyond ANYTHING you could Ever imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My Ways are higher than your ways and My Thoughts HIGHER than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

🕯Two Places Made For Hiding People

 #Innerearth #hollowearth #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #TheWheel #ufo #Motherplane #Mothership #Nippon (#Japan) Two Places Made For Hiding People   The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches The Wheel (MotherShip) was built on the island of Nippon (Japan) in 1929.  He said the size of this Great Mother Plane is 1/2 Mile by 1/2 Mile. Have you ever considered How deep in the earth they had to be to build a ship that big? Mother Tynnetta teaches, "He (Christ) began speaking about Allah’s promise to allow him to see the people on Mars.  In earlier discussions on this subject of Mars, he spoke about the #Martian’s ability to hide and conceal themselves UNDERGROUND so that no one would even know that they were there.  This immediately brought to mind his earlier discussions about two places on earth where people could hide and conceal themselves for a long period of t...

⚠️ When It's Too Late to Hide: Our Righteousness Shall Sustain Us

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGT  #tornado #hurricane #flood #hail #winds #fire ⚠️ When It's Too Late to Hide: Our Righteousness Shall Sustain Us  🚨 These destructive storms are increasing more and more intensity.  I believe there may be a Cataclysmic tornado outbreak over The Major cities very soon. Because The other day I had a dream that BUNCH of tornados hit the city, Detroit.   But it wasn't one tornado, it was a bunch of them all tearing the city up at the same time.  It seemed so real, looking up at the dark gray sky and seeing nothing but tornados reaching to the ground all over each parts of the city.  It was Similar like this picture.  But imagine this in Detroit. I could hear people screaming, and at first I was trying to run and take cover, but then I just stopped,  because there were so many tornados, so very close, it was too late to hide.... and WHEN I looked up, and that's what I saw, like in that picture.   I was...

One of The Best Men I Know

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC  #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches "Father @MichaelPfleger is one of the BEST men that I know.  He's SUCH a GOOD man that I call him my brother. #FatherPfleger is my brother, not by nature, but he carries the spirit of #Jesus The #Christ  Father Pfleger has ALWAYS been on the front lines AGAINST gun culture, #NRA Congress is afraid of the NRA, politicians that accept money from the NRA will not fight against guns. Nobody attacks the NRA without consequences. #FatherPhleger took it on." #Farrakhan Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or #dailywarning81 

🚨 BEWARE: The Final Strike of Satan

🛸 #ufo #TheWheel #MotherShip #Motherplane #Farrakhan “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him." Genesis 18:17 ⚠️ Will we allow TIME to be STUMBLING BLOCKS to being saved? There are some falling victim to the prolonged TIME. 🕯 According to Messiah LouisFarrakhan's own words, and others who have talked openly of their VISIONS of him and conversations with him, he delays or puts back his own departure for a Time. He was like the angels come and ask, "Are you ready?" And he's like, not yet. They go away and come back at a later date. We have learned how even God Himself, at a certain point, told The Honorable Elijah Muhammad that they had saved all that they were going to save and He was going to kill the rest. This was in the 30's.  Most of us would have never been born if the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Messiah, at certain intervals...

Poison in The Water: There is a Judas Among Us

  #FOI #MGTGCC #NationofIslam Poison in The Water: There is a Judas Among Us ⚠️ Have you considered there are Hypocrites, Wicked Undercover Agents of Our Open Enemy, that have been in the Ranks of The #NationofIslam since the early 70's? For over 50 years PRETENDING to believe #MasterFardMuhammad is God. PRETENDING to Believe The Honorable #ElijahMuhammad is the Living and Exalted #Christ. PRETENDING to believe Minister #Farrakhan is the #Messiah. All while parading around in suits & bowties & MGTGCC Uniforms smiling in our faces trying to kill the Messiah. And They've had children. Their children have had children. I used to wonder if the husband & wife are hypocrites/agents, and they have children, could their children be Believers or would they be rotten like their parents. I asked Allah about it. He guided me to this TV Show called #TheAmericans. The Americans is a show about two highly trained #Russian Assasins/spies who were sent to America as a couple at a v...

🛸 Drones, UFO's, The Stock Market Crash, & The Greatest Depression

  🛸 Drones, UFO's, The Stock Market Crash, & The Greatest Depression  #Gold #Silver: NOT  # bitcoin #cryptocrash    #stockmarket #Mothership  ⚠️ What Kind Of Mind & Heart Tries to Suck The Life Out Of Believers Suffering just like themselves? ⚠️ Every few years there is a new scam that comes around and then the hypocrites and agents use it as a vehicle to suck the life out of the believers who fall for it. The Messiah warned us during Saviours Day that only those who want SOMETHING for NOTHING, Easy money, can be scammed. 🚨 If We Are not paying attention, not following Divine Orders from God Himself THROUGH His Representative Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, and getting #Silver & #Gold ... The Messiah Farrakhan said no matter what happens we will be Fine IF we Follow His EXAMPLE.   And HE SAID Get Gold and Silver BEFORE dollar crashes... Not #NFT ,  not #cryptocurrency , GOLD and SILVER. Th...