
Showing posts from September, 2022

I don't know who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. I do know that when solving a mystery, you look for motives. Russia has none; they can turn off the gas when they want. The U.S. has plenty: Blame Putin, escalate the war, advance green agenda, make EU dependent. Go from there.

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More than 1M customers are without power in #Florida from #Ian so far. The highest percentage was Lee County at 72%. Assuming on average there is more than 1 person in each household, that means millions are in the dark. #FLwx #tropicswx

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⚠️ #Ian #HurricaneIan: The #Wind And The Wave Obey Jesus:  #Tornadoes & #earthquake are not caused by some #MotherNature(or seasons, #faultlines #climatechange, #globalwarming).  Those Satanic lies = SPOOK teaching.  Both Bible and Holy Qur'an warn us that Allah God, Christ, and the 7 Deadly angels have power over The Forces of Nature. These are all MEN with these powers. Men who were born of Women.  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan said he and The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, are ONE. When you see him you are SEEING Christ. Christ is the Righteous Right Hand of God, #MasterFardMuhammad. He is a weapon made by The #Mahdi to Save Us And Destroy All Of Our Enemies.  #Christ has power over EVERYTHING in This Universe except God Himself.  Farrakhan is IN Christ and Christ is IN Him. We read with our own eyes in Bible where it claims 2,000 years ago #Jesus controlled the WIND and WATER by just talking to it; BEFORE he ascended to his Father. Do You Really Believe Farrakhan is The Messiah? The Messiah Has JUICE. He is a very powerful Human Being. When he speaks to us, it is God and Christ speaking to us THROUGH Him. If you believe they can speak to us through him, does it not make sense they can speak to #rain, #hail, #snow, earthquakes through him too If They Will? THE WIND AND WAVE OBEY JESUS  "When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” The disciples were absolutely terrified. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!” Mark 4:35-41  #dailywarning135 ⭐⭐⭐If you would like to support this work Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or Thank you 🙏🏿

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The Wind And The Wave Obey Jesus

🚨 #tornado: The #Wind And The Wave Obey Jesus, #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan:  #Tornadoes & #earthquake are not caused by some #MotherNature(or seasons, #faultlines #climatechange, #globalwarming).  Those Satanic lies = SPOOK teaching.  Both Bible and Holy Qur'an warn us that Allah God, Christ, and the 7 Deadly angels have power over The Forces of Nature. These are all MEN with these powers. Men who were born of Women.  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan said he and The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, are ONE. When you see him you are SEEING Christ. Christ is the Righteous Right Hand of God, #MasterFardMuhammad. He is a weapon made by The #Mahdi to Save Us And Destroy All Of Our Enemies.  #Christ has power over EVERYTHING in This Universe except God Himself.  Farrakhan is IN Christ and Christ is IN Him. We read with our own eyes in Bible where it claims 2,000 years ago #Jesus controlled the WIND and WATER by just talking to it; BEFORE he ascended to his...

The Bank of England will buy U.K. government bonds once again as the currency is collapsing and inflation spirals out of control. Tragic comedy.

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#Ian is now a sprawling, near CAT 5 storm slowing down off the coast of SW FL. This is catastrophic, life-threatening storm surge event unfolding from Charlotte Harbor down to Bonita Beach with up to 16 FEET of water rise. Next high tide cycle is early evening for these areas.

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⚠️ #Ian #Christ warns "I want you to know there are TWO HELLS Promised. He (Caucasian) wants you to go in BOTH of them.  One is a hell of GRIEF to FORCE you into the will of Allah #MasterFardMuhammad .  The other one is FIRE To get rid of you from the face of the earth.  That’s the FINAL hell fire.  The FIRST FIRE is not literally fire. It’s a Fire of GRIEF and REGRET.  BOTH white AND black will get that.  Yes BOTH will get it.  It is clear in the #Bible and is prophesied in revelation for those who followed the white man and have his mark and worship him and his false religion." Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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Tornado Warning for Miami-Dade, FL from Tue Sep 27 3:45 PM until Tue Sep 27 4:15 PM. Hail size: 0.00 inches. #FLwx

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My cousin in Florida tells me that the wildlife has been dead silent since yesterday. No crickets, no lizards, nothing. Like they know a threat is coming. So wild. #Ian

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Heating costs are expected to rise historically this winter to levels not seen in at least ten years, according to data from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA).

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Real Love

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC REAL LOVE "Never get so comfortable in the lap of the applause that you actually believe it.  All you're doing is setting yourself up for failure.  Because It is easy to love people when other people love them.  The hardest time to love people is when everyone turns against them.  And they're writing about them, and talking about them, and they're in the news. And that's why I exalt LOYALTY above everything else.  Because I appreciate people NOT when people are with me.  I appreciate people who are with me when everyone turns against me.  And you knock on my door and say, "I still love you." Now you got CLOUT with me." T.D. Jakes Ministries #TDJakes  ⭐⭐⭐Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or⭐⭐⭐ @parisjackson Tito Jackson  Michael Jackson  Chris Tucker  @chrisbrownofficial jussiesmollett  Minister Louis #Farrakhan #dailywarning5

🚨 WHEN God Destroys Florida; Where Will We Go?

⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Take #Arkansas FIRST." #Christ warns: "BEWARE. There will be MANY OTHER #earthquakes. They will happen ANYWHERE. #Illinois and in other states, cities and towns--NOT #California alone.  For Allah #MasterFardMuhammad INTENDS to DRIVE the people from that area.  IF it Pleases Allah, He Will DRIVE EVERY LIVING THING OUT of #California and PUSH them back toward CENTER of the country.  ALLAH Will DO THE #Eastcoast the SAME WAY, according to the teachings and prophesy of the Holy Qur'an. He will Cast them between a narrow place and they will confess that they are beaten and driven by calamities. As the earth SHAKES, so it will make man SHAKE.  The people are entering into a VERY SERIOUS FEAR, that will make babies grey headed." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Muhammad Speaks 1/12/1973� #Messiah #Farrakhan on the angels to destroy America "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said some Very ‪FIERCE‬ looking men came to his house.  He let them...

Pinellas Co. residents in storm surge areas should prepare to evacuate, officials say

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⚠️ #Ian Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns All The Coastlines of America will be destroyed, forcing all who live on or near any of these coastlines to move to the center of the country.  Over 125 Million U.S Citizens live in Coastal Counties. Can you imagine over 100 Million people fleeing for their lives in America at the same time? Some praise Florida Governor DeSantis. Tomorrow those same people will hate the very ground he walks on because he deceived many to come to Florida. And most of Florida may soon be destroyed by #Hurricane, #Earthquake, & #Tsunami. He has hidden the warning from The Messiah and many may Die Because of This. The Entire Gulf Coast, The Entire East Coast, The Entire West Coast, Will Be Destroyed.  "The day is near when I, #MasterFardMuhammad, The LORD, will judge all wicked nations! As you have done to Blacks in America and others around the earth, so it will be DONE to YOU!  ALL your EVIL deeds will fall back on your OWN HEADS!" Obadiah 1:15 When we THINK on all the #refugee crises all over the world? And When We REMEMBER America & England Bombing All Those Beautiful Muslim Countries to piles of smoking rubble and now complain about migrants? And Then REMEMBER How the Palestinians have been treated REMEMBER all the death and destruction caused by the CIA in South America FORCING those in South America to Flee for their lives. When We Watch the 2004 Film "The Day after Tomorrow," we see where the Scientists warn us of the Destruction we face and how eventually Americans will try to flee into Mexico to survive.  In the Film this was allowed.  In the future, this will not be allowed by God. He's going to force you into the CENTER of the Country. There will be no escape of the wicked. Satan and his hosts (reporters, celebrities politicians) has you looking into the future worrying about #climatechange,  #carbon, etc. They are deceiving Americans and the Whole World about what God is about to do to America and Why. We will soon have the largest Refuge crises in the last 6,000 years right here in America.  We have to prepare for this. If you have family or friends who live near these coasts, if they survive the Destruction....

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Pasco County Closes All Schools, Offices For Remainder Of The Week For Hurricane Ian #pasco #pascocounty #hurricaneian #hurricane #ian #schools #florida

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AccuWeather forecasters warn that the storm will only grow stronger in the coming days and is forecast to become a Category 4 behemoth in the Gulf of Mexico later this week.

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⚠️It is written that God forgave a prostitute for all of her sins because she gave water to a thirsty puppy. Have these posts and emails helped you? If they have, and If you seek the Mercy of God and want to support this work, will you please send donations to either $doomalert or Thank you🙏🏿 #zakat2022 #tribulation #mrt

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⚠️ #Chinacoup #Uyghur #Urumqi Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns “President #Xijinping don't like Muslims. He thinks Islam is a disease... #China you cannot escape. You’re powerful, you’re strong, but you’re MISTREATING the #Uighur Muslims.  They are not your enemy.  The way you THINK is becoming your enemy.  You can’t be a tyrant and live today.  People are rising against all tyrants.  So be careful, Mr. XiJinping.  You may have a presidency for life in #China; but be careful because you are not the Master of Life. I represent the Master of Life #MasterFardMuhammad WHEN He gets TIRED of you, He will END YOUR LIFE! Same with you, Mr. Trump.“ #Farrakhan 7/4/20 #dailywarning199 Please send donations to $DOOMALERT or

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New 5 PM Saturday NHC forecast has a Category 4 Ian passing 200 miles west of #KeyWest late Tuesday night and 280 miles west of #Miami on Wednesday Tropical storm force winds next week are forecast to "only" extend out 150 miles from the center of #Ian

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At this time, meteorologists are concerned that Ian could move northward slowly across the eastern Gulf of Mexico, inundating parts of Florida with days of heavy rain and gusty winds before finally making landfall. Latest details:

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Iran today. The funeral of the Iranian security men who were savagely killed by the “peaceful protesters”. Iranians from all provinces are joining the mourners to oppose the US-sponsored riots.

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#Fiona #Tornado "And I saw the SEVEN Angels who stand before ‪God #MasterFardMuhammad, and 7 trumpets were given to them." Revelation 8:2 Christ warns us there are SEVEN DEADLY ANGELS that ‪Allah‬ has ordered to destroy America. He said just One of these Angels, who are VERY Powerful MEN, has the power to destroy America by himself. Yet Allah has ordered ALL SEVEN of them to destroy America. These Angels have power over the forces of Nature and can Command ‪Tornado‬'s,‪ #Hurricanes‬, ‪#Fire‬, ‪Animals‬, ‪ Insects‬, and many other things. These Angels are NOT here to WARN or to TEACH. They are here to KILL and DESTROY ALL, regardless of race, Who have rejected Minister Louis Farrakhan. Time is OUT for rejecting The Man God has Sent to Deliver us. We either submit to him, or We will suffer TERRIBLY and or be destroyed by those angels. The Choice is yours. Play time is over. WHEN we SEE with our own eyes Tornados DESTROY Most of Los Angeles AND Chicago, KNOW that on August 14, 2014 The Messiah Farrakhan Called it and Allah and these 7 angels Answered. Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or

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Canada could see its strongest storm ever this weekend.

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Here's everything you need to know ahead of this potential hurricane threat to the U.S. #TD9

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⚠️ When All Is Exposed

  ⚠️ #silver #gold The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns "The stronghold of the American government is FALLING to PIECES. She has LOST her PRESTIGE among the nations of the earth.  One of the greatest powers of America was her #dollar. The LOSS of such power will bring any nation to weakness, for this is the medium of exchange between nations.  The English pound and the American dollar have been the power and beckoning light of these two great powers.  But when the world went off the #gold and #silver standard, the financial DOOM of #England and America was SEALED.  Today, the #currency of America is not backed by ANY sound value—silver or gold.  The note today is something that the government declares they will give you the value in return, but does not name what the value is.  The pound has lost 50 percent of its value.  America’s dollar has lost everything now as power backing for her currency, which was backed by gold for ev...

TROPICS: T.D. #9 has formed. Forecast to strengthen into a hurricane by next week. One to watch for Coastal VA and NC in the days ahead. @WTKR3TROPICS: T.D. #9 has formed. Forecast to strengthen into a hurricane by next week. One to watch for Coastal VA and NC in the days ahead. @WTKR3

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As We Come Out Of Our Way Of Sin

  ⚠️ There are many right now going through tremendous Suffering.  Suffering so intense, taking us all the way to the very edge of our breaking point. While Allah says in the Holy Qur’an that He will not put anything on us beyond our ability to carry, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns sometimes He will take us right up to that point.  "To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And whether you manifest what is in your minds or hide it, Allah will call you to account according to it.1 So He forgives whom He pleases and punishes whom He pleases. And Allah is Powerful over all things. The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. They all believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers.2 And they say: We hear and obey; our Lord, Your forgiveness (do we crave), and to You is the eventual course. Allah does not impose on any soul...

🚨 While Your Pores Are Open For The Heat

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #hail #tornado  🚨 While Your Pores Are Open For The Heat ⚠️ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "LOOK at the way He's (God) been dealing with the temperature.  One day in Chicago it's in the 90's. And within six to eight hours the temperature DROPS THIRTY DEGREES. He OPENS your pores up then He FILLS you FULL of COLD!. . “The temperature would be taken up into the high 90s and then within hours, it will drop down into #freezing.  So, while your pores are open for the heat, by dropping the temperature so fast, the cold will come right into your system and you will die from the effect of it. The president DOES NOT CONTROL THE #WEATHER.  If he could he wouldn’t have let the White House get flooded.  Do you know WHY God #MasterFardMuhammad is using #weather like this?  I’m going to be very clear: It’s about you(Blacks in America) And I have to say, IT'S ABOUT ME." #Farrakhan

CAGUAS, Puerto Rico (AP) — Hurricane Fiona left hundreds of people stranded across Puerto Rico after smashing roads and bridges, with authorities still struggling to reach them four days after the storm smacked the U.S. territory, causing historic flooding. Government officials have been working with religious groups, nonprofits and others braving landslides, thick mud and broken asphalt by foot to provide food, water and medicine for people in need, but they are under pressure to clear a path so vehicles can enter isolated areas soon. Nino Correa, commissioner for Puerto Rico’s emergency management agency, estimated that at least six municipalities across the island had areas that were cut off by Fiona, which struck as a Category 1 hurricane and was up to Category 4 power Thursday as it headed toward Bermuda. Manuel Veguilla said he has been unable to leave his neighborhood in the north mountain town of Caguas since Fiona swept in on Sunday. “We are all isolated,” he said, adding that he worries about elderly neighbors, including his older brother who does not have the strength for the long walk it takes to reach the closest community. Veguilla heard that municipal officials might open a pathway Thursday, but he doubted that would happen because large rocks covered a nearby bridge and the 10-foot space beneath it. Neighbors have shared food and water dropped off by nonprofit groups, and the son of an elderly woman was able to bring back basic supplies by foot Wednesday, he said.

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⚠️ As Long as #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan is with us, God is Holding Back His FULL Wrath, Chastisement & Destruction of America. BUT, He's Leaving Soon. And it will begin. WHEN Farrakhan leaves, we will witness Unimaginable DESTRUCTION by #weather. #Christ warns ALL the destruction from #disasters we see all around the world will Hit America. EVERY #Plague, EVERY Chastisement of God we have been warning about is going to happen in America. He warns Major #Earthquake, #tidalwaves, #solarstorms, 100lb blocks of #hail. Incredible, Cataclysmic rain like #ChinaFlood The war with America & #Russia starts on the heels of The Messiah Departure. #China, #Japan, & #Korea will slaughter American forces kicking America out of #Asia permanently. Entire Cities will be buried under DRIFTS Of 35 FEET of #Snow. Every time you will think, "What will happen next?" And before the thought finishes in your mind something even more terrible will happen. And when this happens, REMEMBER it started WHEN #Farrakhan left to go to #TheWheel(#ufo). We will be like the people of the scriptures when it is written #Jesus of 2,000 years ago was crucified. There will be a GREAT #Earthquake and America will realize they messed over the WRONG MAN. This is referring to @LouisFarrakhan. There was NO Great Earthquake when The Honorable Elijah Muhammad departed. God is not trying to kill all of us. But He's going to chastise us for not believing in and obeying His Faithful Servant, @LouisFarrakhan Today We can't get away with just saying "We don’t believe what Farrakhan says." It's time to PROVE whatever you don't believe is NOT true, or suffer the consequences of rejecting the Truth. Some of us say, "I believe in SOME of what Farrakhan says." Minister Farrakhan is a Messenger of God. What he says to us, comes from God and is backed up by God, His Christ, and Scriptures. Whatever @LouisFarrakhan says that you don't believe. LOOK into it more. Study it more. Try to prove to yourself it's not true. AND then, you'll Know. Before its too late, submit yourselves to God Completely and FOLLOW and Obey #Farrakhan

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Dmitry Medvedev Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation warns Hypersonic Missiles are aimed and ready which will ‘be able to hit targets in Europe quickly' in case there is interference with the referendums in #Donetsk #Lugansk #Kherson #Zaporizhzhya

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⚠️ What Happens Next? And When?

⚠️ As Long as #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan is with us, God is Holding Back His FULL Wrath, Chastisement & Destruction of America. BUT, He's Leaving Soon. And it will begin. WHEN Farrakhan leaves, we will witness Unimaginable DESTRUCTION by #weather.  #Christ warns ALL the destruction from #disasters we see all around the world will Hit America.  EVERY #Plague, EVERY Chastisement of God we have been warning about is going to happen in America. He warns Major #Earthquake, #tidalwaves, #solarstorms, 100lb blocks of #hail.  Incredible, Cataclysmic rain like #ChinaFlood The war with America & #Russia starts on the heels of The Messiah Departure. #China, #Japan, & #Korea will slaughter American forces kicking America out of #Asia permanently.  Entire Cities will be buried under DRIFTS Of 35 FEET of #Snow. Every time you will think, "What will happen next?" And before the thought finishes in your mind something even more terrible will happen. And when this happens, ...

CZ of #Binance    called Michael Saylor a 'financial genius'. That is wrong! He has lost so far $1.5B on his #Bitcoin    bet & is facing legal problems (tax fraud, etc). He is the same guy who advised people to mortgate their homes to buy Bitcoin. Price of #BTC    then ~$60k. Today ~$19k.

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What God Came to Do, Destroy Satan's World

 #Kanye #JPMorgan #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns the #federalreserve is the Synagogue of Satan. The True And Living God, #MasterFardMuhammad, came to destroy satan. AS the federal reserve goes, the #banks will follow. And the economy collapses.  Have you considered taking money out of your #401k, #stocks, or Savings and buying at least 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months worth of food/water/supplies for every member of your family? Thats at LEAST 10 cases of water each. At least 21 ONE lb bags of Navy Beans each Are you seriously going to wait for your enemy to tell you that you are foolish to leave any money in your 401k?  If you do you will lose it all. Take the money and buy silver and gold. Take that money and buy LAND. Did you know there are places in Arkansas where we can get 2 acres of Land for $2,000? Say you have 5 grand sitting in a 401k, and tomorrow,  because of what Trump is doing, China and Russia moves to crash the US economy.  What happens to your 401k?...

The Real Power Are The Bankers

  #economy #bitcoin #FederalReserve  ⚠️ The Real Power Are The Bankers Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "Fascists advocate the creation of a SINGLE party. Do you think that the Democrats and the Republicans are different?🤨 Who CONTROLS the U.S. Congress?🤔  Do you THINK it's you?  Can you really depend on the Senate and the House of Representatives to represent YOUR interests?  They're in bed with insurance companies.  They're in bed with special interests.  And they're in bed with Israel. Many of your senators and congresspersons are HONORARY CITIZENS of Israel , and members of the Knesset control America's wealth.  President Bush(#Biden) was CONTROLLED!  There's NOT a president that is the real power!  The real power are those MONEY people!  Barack(Biden) is NOT in power!  How dare you think that he could give you what no other president before him has been able to give you, even if they desired to do it! RIGHT NEXT TO the Ho...

The Federal Reserve is Synagogue of Satan: Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

  ⚠️ The Fed: #bitcoin #cryptocrash #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "This #ExecutiveOrder he #JFK signed took away the power of the #FederalReserve to print the money.😮  He then put $4 billion into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations—and all $4 billion was backed by #silver.  Six months later, like it was with Lincoln, President Kennedy was shot down in Dealey Plaza. The killing of these two presidents sends a message that #internationalbankers must not be defied, because they run presidents and kings.  These wicked people: They don’t give a damn about you and me if you’re going to interfere with their takeover of the world! What are you dealing with?  You’re dealing with Satan who has BLINDED the people and DECEIVED #Congress. America is BROKE.  VERY, VERY BROKE: Currently $65.5 trillion in debt.  Did you know that the debt of America is more than the value of every building that is on 3,000 by 2,000 square miles of land called “The United States o...

Messiah @LouisFarrakhan exposes Federal Reserve

  ⚠️ The Fed #bitcoin #economy #FederalReserve  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "These rich people hide behind many organizations, such as the #UnitedNations.  That was NEVER set up to give JUSTICE to the people.  The #WorldTradeOrganization, the Council on Foreign Relations— these are just organizations, but the wise are sitting up behind it.  The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank—how do they destroy the sovereignty of nations? What they want is ONE world, a world government with one #currency so they could control all the #wealth of the earth.  So, governments now are being FORCED to sell the ASSETS that really belong to the people, and they’re gradually losing their sovereignty and they place the citizens in poverty to repay their debt.  That’s why I asked you to read a book(google) on the Federal Reserve, because most of us THINK the Federal Reserve is something owned by the U.S. government, but the #Constitution of the United States says t...

🚨 "I'm Going To Leave You." ~ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

⚠️ #Ukraine #Russia #Armageddon #WWIII #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #crocus #Moscow 🚨 GET OUT OF 🇺🇲 ARMY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE ~ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan 🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "If I were you I'd GET OUT of the #Army(🇺🇲).  I know you THINK that's your only employment.  I said if I were you, I'd get out of that thing.  Because what the ENEMY(USA) intends to do is USE YOUR BODIES to keep him propped up.  And you WILL BE KILLED this time. You're NOT going to make it.  They got something planned for her.  Let me tell you more. The Messenger ( Elijah Muhammad ) said, "You(soldiers) will go away in the THOUSANDS and you will return in the TENS.  And when you return there will be no such thing as an American Government. You got some sons?  You better tell them to learn how to REJECT a call from the President.  Because IF you obey him rather than God... it's OVER. It's OVER." #Farrakhan : Divine Destr...