
Showing posts from September, 2023

⚠️ Where Will We Run To?

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #bugoutbag  #thedayofjudgment #Armageddon  #Earthquake #tsunami #Fire #Gobag #DisasterPreparedness 🚨 The Coastal Plagues - This Is A Military Exercise: Which Side Are You On? ⚠️ Always have A Bag packed ready to go:  #DisasterPreparedness:(emergency #gobag) A few years ago a gas explosion devastated the Northern California city of San Bruno. Many homes in this area were completely destroyed in minutes by explosions and fire This explosion happened around 6pm as most families were sitting down for dinner.  Witnesses said the ground shook, and when they looked out side, they saw a ball of fire headed their way. All of the survivors of this tragedy said the same thing.  They barely had time to even grab their shoes, car keys, etc.  One guy said he was walking his dog. Not even a block from his house when he saw the flames headed his way. His house was destroyed. They barely made it out of their homes before their homes were total...

⚠️ In Time Of Famine: 🛸 Help From Our Space Brothers

⚠️  "The Great Lakes would EMPTY into the Gulf of #Mexico linked with a time when ancient repositories would be discovered as people reached the Appropriate level of Consciousness.  The three repositories mentioned are Egypt, the #Bimini area, and the Yucatan.  After activities by Mt Vesuvius, Mt. Pelee, the southern coast of California.....Portions of the New York, or #NYC itself, will DISAPPEAR as well as the southern portions of #Carolina, #Georgia..." Edgar Cayce  "...the Four Great ‪Judgments ‬on America and the destruction that would follow in the form of Great #earthquakes ‬that would Destroy the COASTLINES of‪ FLORIDA causing them to FALL INTO THE SEA." Mother Tynnetta Muhammad "The Coastlines, ALL OF THEM, Will Be Destroyed." Honorable Elijah Muhammad  COASTLINE definition in geography: "Within geography, the definition of a coastline is the area where land meets water. The water, with an endless supply of waves, whether pounding or gentle r...

🕯 But First Make A Small Loaf of Bread For Me

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC 🕯 But First Make A Small Loaf of Bread For Me ⭐️ "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the MULTITUDE of sins." 1 Peter 4:8 "But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me…" 1 Kings 13 ⭐️ In Times of War Not Everyone is Able To Fight on The Front Lines. But they still contribute by sending bullets, weapons, resources & equipment, money to the front lines to help those who are fighting to continue to fight. The Watchmen on the Wall can't come down off the wall for supplies because it leaves an opening where no one is watching.  So provisions are delivered to those who watch. 🕯 I ABSOLUTELY Understand we are all under Intense Trials right now. Some are barely holding on, But Allah has a Firm Grip on The Believers. Trust Him, Trust His Plan. Many barely have little to nothing.  In the Bible (1 Kings 17:7) It teaches us Allah sent a #Famine on the p...

🚨 The Terror of THAT Day

  #NationofIslam #hurricane #earthquake #Tsunami #tornado #flood #ww3 #Armageddon #Iran  🚨 The Terror of THAT Day: The SHOCK OF THE HOUR: What Will Happen Next? 🕯When I was in California I met this woman from Louisiana. She told me the story of how she ended up there in California.  One year a hurricane hut Louisiana and she was evacuated to Texas as her home was completely destroyed.  A little Later, another hurricane struck, this time hitting Texas, and her home once again was destroyed as she escaped to California.  At the Time When I met her, she had just evacuated her home as raging wildfires were closing in fast to where she lived in California.  Destruction after Destruction after Destruction.   The Destruction just kept coming.   That is only a small glimpse of what some of us may end up going through very soon.  Every time she evacuated, she moved to another city near the coastlines of America.  What is God showi...

⚠️ No Time To Die: If You Want To Live, Follow Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Gaza #Palestinians #CivilWar #earthquake 🕯 No Time To Die: If You Want To Live, Follow Messiah @LouisFarrakhan ⚠️ The Plagues of God Against This World WILL NOT STOP.  🚨 NO MATTER WHAT is Going on With Those who disbelieve God is Judging America...  (#ww3 #NFL #NBA #Trump #civilwar)  The Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad Will CONTINUE to Guide Us To Safety By, Through, & With Messiah Farrakhan ⭐️⭐️⭐️ "EVERYWHERE He (@LouisFarrakhan) Advises You To Go....GO! Everywhere he advises you to stay from, STAY FROM..." Honorable Elijah Muhammad  ⚠️ IF We Live on or Near ANY COASTLINES (🇺🇲) We Are Going To Have To Move SOON. ⚠️ The Exalted Christ; The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns HUGE Blocks of Ice will Break Off from the North Pole, Float Down into Our Great Lakes UNTIL they would Spill Over the Banks Into The Coastal Areas of America. ~ Mother Tynnetta  

🚨 Beware: The Final Strike

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC 🚨 "I Will Not Forget What You Have Done, And Are Doing, To Hurt Me!" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan 🚨 KORAH: Humiliated, Now They HATE Farrakhan! The Rise of Judas  ⚠️ "...who are the enemy to him and his Nation; and WHY the enemy and Righteous could NOT live together…” "For it is IMPOSSIBLE to bring back to repentance those who were once enlightened by The Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad —those who have experienced the good things of what his Teachings Produce: Heaven, and shared in the Holy Spirit, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan… Who have tasted the goodness of the Word of Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, and THE POWER of the Future to come—and who then turn away from God. It is IMPOSSIBLE to bring such people back to repentance; by rejecting the Son of God, they themselves are nailing him to the cross once again and holding him up to public shame." Hebrews 6:4 "Take care, brethren, that ...

Don't Be Surprised

  #TaKiyaYoung #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Luxury #Money #Goodhomes #Wealth #BlackWealth #Reparations The Exalted Christ; The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches " The people will REGRET that they were non-helpers to us (NOI) soon. I tell you of a truth that is bound to materialize. Allah #MasterFardMuhammad has promised me MILLIONS and BILLIONS and hundreds of millions, and billions of dollars, but I have to wait until it's TIME. He will RELEASE it certainly on time. He doesn't have to go somewhere and borrow it. It's HERE in America. In past history, you will find when Allah was ANGRY with the people, He always DESTROYED THAT PEOPLE, and TOOK THEIR WEALTH, and GAVE it to the poor. So, don't be SURPRISED if you're GIVEN WEALTH!"

⚠️ Thank Him Now Because It's Here!

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC ⭐️ Dear Believers, The Saviour, #MasterFardMuhammad, Has A Special Place For us.  And because some of us are presently in what we believe to be impossible living situations, we Must KNOW HE has prepared a Special Place for us. Some of us live with disbelievers.  And some of us, even worse. We live with hypocrites.  In Most cases, To have people mock you can leave a very bitter taste. And Some of us have to live with people who MOCK us for following Messiah @LouisFarrakhan.  They mock us for even believing he is the Messiah.  They mock us for believing The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is alive.  They mock us for believing He is #Christ.  They mock us for believing Master Fard Muhammad is God.  The Minister warned us on March 1, 2020, at the end of his talk, that this was coming. After all this time have you ever Considered why He mentioned that about our families now? For some of...

🚨 If We Want To Go We Are Going To Have To Lose The Weight!

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Diet #Weightloss #Departure #Farrakhan #ufo #TheWheel #Motherplane #HowToEatToLive #Eattolive #Dietary ⚠️ It Is Almost TIME for SOME of us to Leave. And We Will NOT even be included in that number IF we are overweight.  It's TIME TO LOSE THE WEIGHT. ⭐️ IF we want to Go, It is TIME for COMPLETE Obedience & Mastery of "How to Eat to Live." ⚠️ #Diet #Weightloss @DrAvaMuhammad warns "#Obesity is a IMPEDIMENT to #beauty The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that with EVERY POUND of EXCESS WEIGHT we lose one percent of beauty.  So if we are 20 pounds overweight, meaning that our weight is 20 pounds above that which are height and frame was designed to carry, then we are at 80 percent of our beauty.  At fifty pounds overweight we are only on half of what we could and should be.  At a hundrend pounds overweight we have COMPLETELY LOST ALL OUR BEAUTY. We are not in ANY WAY what Allah GOD can declare be...