🕯️ WW3: The War of Armageddon - Our Religious Duty At This Time:Watchmen on The Wall

#NationofIslam #Ramadan #WW3 #Armageddon https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP82e8LJa/ WW3: The War of Armageddon - Our Religious Duty At This Time: Watchmen on The Wall ⭐⭐⭐ Many years ago (2010) I learned about this Top Secret document that the 🇺🇸 President receives every day. It used to be called "President Daily Briefing" or PDB for short. The PDB is compilation of reports by all of the intelligence Agencies who report everything going on around the world, big or small, that has to do with the Security of The Nation and her INTERESTS so The President and his advisors can make the best informed decisions to keep the Nation strong. When I learned about this I believed it was right in the same line of what I was already doing at the time for The Messiah and Believers to keep us informed. I thought to myself, I can do this for The Minister and our people on a much larger scale 24/7 I asked Messiah @LouisFarrakhan if we should set this up and he said, "It will be w...