
Showing posts from October, 2023

🕯️ WW3: The War of Armageddon - Our Religious Duty At This Time:Watchmen on The Wall

  #NationofIslam #Ramadan #WW3 #Armageddon  WW3: The War of Armageddon - Our Religious Duty At This Time: Watchmen on The Wall ⭐⭐⭐ Many years ago (2010)  I learned about this Top Secret document that the 🇺🇸 President receives every day. It used to be called "President Daily Briefing" or PDB for short. The PDB is compilation of reports by all of the intelligence Agencies who report everything going on around the world, big or small, that has to do with the Security of The Nation and her INTERESTS so The President and his advisors can make the best informed decisions to keep the Nation strong. When I learned about this I believed it was right in the same line of what I was already doing at the time for The Messiah and Believers to keep us informed.  I thought to myself, I can do this for The Minister and our people on a much larger scale 24/7 I asked Messiah @LouisFarrakhan if we should set this up and he said, "It will be w...

⚠️ No privacy, no water: Gaza women use period-delaying pills amid war Tablets used to delay periods can cause negative side effects but without access to water and hygiene products, women in Gaza say they have no choice but to use them.

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Palestine ⚠️ No privacy, no water: Gaza women use period-delaying pills amid war. Tablets used to delay periods can cause negative side effects but without access to water and hygiene products, women in Gaza say they have no choice but to use them. “The siege and terrible distress of the enemy’s attack will be so severe that you will eat the flesh of your own sons and daughters, whom the LORD your God has given you." Deuteronomy 28:53 🚨 Sisters This is coming to 🇺🇸 SOON!!! Prepare Now Stocking up on at least 3 Months of pads for all the women and girls in your home So You Won't Have to go Through This WHEN The SIEGE Hits 🇺🇸 SIEGE: "a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, CUTTING OFF ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES, with the aim of compelling the surrender of those inside." No privacy, no water: Gaza women use period-delaying pills amid war Tablets used to delay periods can cause negative side effects but without a...

The Battle In The Sky: God's War Against These Satanic Billionaires

  #TheWheel #Mothership #MasterFardMuhammad #elonmusk #spacex 🛸 The Battle In The Sky: God's War Against These Satanic Billionaires  Mother Tynnetta warns, "Today, it is not only the war on the ground that we Nation of Islam are confronting, but we have entered into the phase of the war in the sky?   The arsenal of weapons prepared long ago by God, Himself Master Fard Muhammad , in the mechanism of The Wheel within the Wheel of the Mother’s Wheel(ufo) that can be seen in the sky today contains 1,500 Baby Planes (ufos) prepared to go into battle with our enemies over American airspace in the event that America would attack our baby Nation of Islam in her midst or ATTEMPT to do harm to Messiah @LouisFarrakhan and his prophetic voice and advice to America, its President, its People and World Governments.   THIS WARNING is being issued from the Power of Allah in the Person of the Great Mahdi and His Christ, in the Final...

🕯️ The Provision & The Promise

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCG #MasterFardMuhammad   🕯️ The Provision & The Promise Definitions To KNOW & Remember:   Provision : a measure taken beforehand to deal with a NEED or contingency : preparation. made provision for replacements. 2. a stock of needed materials or supplies. ⭐ PROMISE : "a DECLARATION or ASSURANCE that One WILL DO a particular thing or that a particular thing WILL HAPPEN. ASSURE someone that one will DEFINITELY DO, GIVE, or ARRANGE something; undertake or declare that something will happen. give good grounds for expecting (a particular occurrence or situation). 🕯Allah PROVIDES for all of His creation, The Good and the bad. He Must Provide.  ⭐️ BUT, only a few will get His PROMISE of Unlimited Blessings. ⭐⭐⭐ Because The PROMISE of Almighty God Allah, The Great Mahdi: Master Fard Muhammad is, " IF They SUBMIT to Me, I Will Set Them in Heaven at Once... Luxury, Money, Good Homes, Friendship in All Walks of Life."   Please sen...

⚠️ A Dangerous Place in Time: The Door of Hereafter

  ⚠️ A Dangerous Place in Time: WW3 - Armageddon & The Door of Hereafter  🕯 "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed" 1 Peter 4:12 ⚠️ Can You imagine being out in your car, sitting in traffic staring at the highway construction, WHEN all of a Sudden, the MAJOR EARTHQUAKE Strikes? ☢️ The Exalted Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad  warns the descendants of the slave-masters children  will try and trick the people in America by continuing to build all the way up to the DAY They are destroyed by God.  How Does that even make sense? Using construction to deceive the people? Because There will be these HUGE Construction projects (freeway Construction, building new buildings, new homes) to make us THINK everything is fine and America is getting better a...

🌙 THEN You Will KNOW I Am Your Saviour!

Image #RamadanMubarak #MasterFardMuhammad  🌙  At The Right Time, THIS Is What I Will Soon Make Happen: The Glory of Zion   Master Fard Muhammad Will Fill Your Cup 🌙  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches, "I pray that every Believer will seek and find Him Master Fard Muhammad as your place of REFUGE and SECURITY... That though you walk in the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil—for you are with God and God is with you. He will prepare a table for you in the midst of your enemies.  He will FILL your CUP till it runs over.  And surely goodness and mercy shall follow you and me and us all the days of our life. And we will dwell in that place of refuge; that house of Allah God, forever. What better place of refuge do we have than placing ALL our TRUST and CONFIDENCE in that which cannot be shaken; that which cannot be disturbed; that which cannot be overcome.  So if I am IN that, then I am not disturbed ...

The Saviour, Trains, DOOM ALERT

  #NationofIslam #FruitofIslam #MGTGCC #MasterFardMuhammad #TheWheel #Mothership #earthquake #Tsunami ⭐⭐⭐ My Vision of The Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad: 🕯️Recently, which has never happened before, I had a Vision of Master Fard Muhammad . He appeared in this Vision twice. At the very beginning, and at the end. I can’t remember anything of the beginning of this vision except I know He was right there. But the end, I’m walking with a hroup of people on train tracks. We're outside the major city area, somewhere like in the country. No buildings. As far as I can see, no buildings at all, but I believe mountains are nearby, solid rocks. Where we are all walking on the train tracks the tracks are just starting to turn, a curve. Some are walking on the outside of the curving tracks, Some are walking on the inside of the Curve, and some area walking ON the tracks. At that point everything seemed to be in slow motion. And then The Savio...

⚠️ What Can The Arabs Do When Israel Is Backed By Such A Powerful Protector?

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Gaza #Palestine #Israel What Can Arabs Do When Israel Is Backed By Such A Powerful Protector? ⚠️ "According to history, four peoples were involved in bringing our fathers into slavery, some Arabs, Jews, Europeans and Africans." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan 🕯️I think about Allah's Mercy when I think about Gaza and Israel. Over the years we see how no matter what Israel has done, no matter how crazy they act, America always defends her. She always say, "We stand firmly behind Israel, her right to exist, her right to defend herself, her right to..."  When any country ever brings a charge against Israel it is always America the first to jump up and Veto anything that will negatively affect Israel. And the people around the world complain and moan about it but that is all they have done, up to this point, because America is the power that backs and protects Israel. Before America and England went into Palestine and murdered a bunch of them ...

⭐⭐⭐ The Appointed Guardians Of Those Sent to Save: "I Will Send Saviours After You!

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC ⭐⭐⭐ The Appointed Guardians Of Those Sent to Save: "I Will Send Saviours After You!" ⭐⭐⭐ Both Bible and HolyQuran teach us God #MasterFardMuhammad has SENT Saviours After The Black Man and Woman in America! The Real Children of Israel! The True Chosen of God. 🕯 Mother Tynnetta teaches, "Elijah Muhammad said that there are angels, real angels that don't have wings that are in our midst today, that are writing our records as we speak.   Everyone who walks into a #Mosque; or a study group and is REGISTERED with the Nation Of Islam, they are appointed guardians over you and me.  Don't forget that.  So, they are tracking EVERYTHING we do.  Where we go, what neighborhood we live in, they are unseen at the moment, but at a particular moment, they will make themselves visible to a few who can recognize their marks, recognize their speech, recognize that they are here to take care of bu...

🚨 "The Arabs And The Jews Will Try To Destroy Each Other." Honorable Elijah Muhammad

  “And when you see #Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will KNOW that the TIME of its destruction has ARRIVED.  Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city.For those will be days of God’s ,#MasterFardMuhammad VENGEANCE, and the prophetic words of the Scriptures will be fulfilled."  Luke 21:20 #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC 🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "‪#Israel‬ now is LOSING some of her friends, and her GREATEST ALLY, the Uniteda States, is getting INCREASINGLY ANGRY over the policies of the #Israeli Prime Minister.  Division is SEETHING and is GROWING between the two friends. Is this a chastisement for evils done and for failure to correct the wrong? Soon the Middle East will be BATHED IN BLOOD! The ‪#‎Arabs‬ and the ‪#‎Jews‬ WILL TRY TO DESTROY EACH OTHER.  Their conflict will be a TRIGGER to a GREATER and WIDER war, which the Honorable ‪‎Elijah ‬Muhammad says w...

🚨 DEPARTURE WARNING! Warning To The Mockers

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #MasterFardMuhammad 🚨 WARNING To The Mockers! Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "But when you grow up out of baby expression then you can communicate with the intelligent scholars and scientists of the world and they will not be able to ostracize you or isolate you and put you in a crib because of your cheap language andmentality.  But you will be able to talk to the world. This is why the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his last message to us said he never raised us up to be mockers of another people or mockers of other people.  He DOESN'T want you mocking people who don’t have the base of wisdom of yourself.  He wants you to TEACH THEM and that is WHY HE TAUGHT YOU." #Farrakhan: How to Give Birth to a God "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad once raised a ques­tion of why did not God tell us of whom they were made SIGNS? His answer, from G...