
Showing posts from November, 2022

⚠️ IF we CLAIM to be #Muslim, #Christian, #Jew, in Scriptures we are Warned God uses the FORCES of #Nature (#wind #rain, #hail, #snow, #earthquake) to Chastise & Destroy nations.  Then HOW in the HELL did we let Satan and his agents (#preachers, #reporters, #politicians, #meteorologists, #seismologists) trick us into thinking God #MasterFardMuhammad is just too powerless on His Own to stop the destruction that is happening around the world?🤔  Have You Ever Considered That God is The One Who ORDERED it?  Do you really believe the #DeepState has more Power than Christ?🤨  Since The Bible Warns us satan will deceive us About God, Have you Considered Exactly WHAT about God will they try to deceive us about?  If God, The Supreme BEING, is a Man. Then Satan is a man too.  A group of evil men and women.  When we turn on the #fakenews, lying #weather people blame #Mothernature and "weather patterns" when They KNOW Who is causing #rain, #hail, #snow, and #Earthquakes.  God, Christ, and Their Representative, Messiah @LouisFarrakhan with the 7 Angels are causing ALL the destruction we face at this very moment.😮  Ask ANY so called #seismologist/#preacher/#weatherman IF what we are saying is true or not.🤨  PUT IT TO THEM and MAKE them answer the question.  Send them this post And IF they say that it is not true, WATCH what God does in their cities.⚡🌩🔥🔥⚡🌩  They may never get another #weatherforecast right again. They will forcast snow and it will be 75 degrees, in the WINTER. Because to call Elijah Muhammad or Farrakhan a liar is to call God a liar.🤐 Let us MAKE THEM TELL THE TRUTH.  ASK Them about A MAJOR Earthquake (11.0 to 13.0) destroying MANY Cities in America.  He warns LARGE #tornado will hit Chicago & LosAngeles Christ warns ALL the coastlines will be DESTROYED Yet these AGENTS of SATAN 🤬 got you worried about carbon gasses?😐  Are we really that cowardly where we wont read Revelation and SEE that EVERYTHING they are blaming on #climatechange God ordered His servants to do?  In the Bible God didn't bring those Plagues against #Egypt and the Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron did.  The Winds and The Waves OBEY Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

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The Economy Will Soon COLLAPSE

  #stockmarket ⚠️ The Economy Will Soon COLLAPSE   🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "America is in TERRIBLE shape right now.  The country is teetering on the BRINK of an economic COLLAPSE. But the government makes you THINK that you really have a lot of ‪#money‬.  But the money is not supported by ANYTHING of value.  The gross national product of the country supports the ‪#dollar‬ bills that you have in your pocket.  But one day, in the twinkling of an eye, THE ECONOMY WILL JUST COLLAPSE .  The WISE of the country KNOW that this is coming and they’re trying to hedge against it.  But the poor Blacks and ‪#Hispanics‬, and even poor Whites, they don’t really know what is going on with their country." #Farrakhan Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or #dailywarning175

Medals for service In the military a soldier is  given a medal for all kinds of acts. There are those in the military whose job it is to carefully record and examine how soldiers performed in combat.  Meticulous files are kept on these acts of extraordinary bravery and risks to one's own life to save another.  Some military families who lost loved ones in combat 50 years ago are now getting medals years after they died because someone read a report from back then a discovered the soldier was never acknowledged for his actions.  Soldiers don't go into war thinking I need to get two purple hearts and a medal of honor. That's not why they serve. They go in hoping to defeat an enemy and survive what is in front of them. Then acts of bravery and courage under fire are born of that. A soldier sees his brother go down, he runs into gunfire to drag his fallen brother out of the line of fire getting shot several times himself.  Later, as others tell the story, the medals come. You have the Purple Heart, Medal of Honor, etc What is this about? Allah sees us. He sees all that we do to serve Him. His angels watch over every believer.  They watch over us and RECORD our actions.  Nothing is left out. Our actions are recorded and the blessings for those actions already in place. Some will get medals. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches in Lesson 1 Answer #10  "Each Muslim is required to bring Four devils. And by bringing and presenting four devils at one time, his reward is a button to wear on the lapel of his coat. Also, a free transportation in the holy city Mecca to see brother Muhammad. "God #MasterFardMuhammad has a way of taking these disconnected pieces of your life that make no sense; How you suffered, Who didn't raise you, Who didn't love you Who wasn't there for you, Things that you learned how to do that made no sense, and they seemed like delays But God sent me here to tell you that Nothing that you've been through will be wasted. I don't know what that means to you, and I don't know what you and Him been talking about, but He sent me here to tell you that NOTHING that you've been through, Not one tear shed,  Nothing will be wasted

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@foxweather "A dangerous severe weather outbreak is expected Tuesday in parts of the South, where strong, long-track tornadoes, destructive hail, damaging winds and flash flooding will all be serious threats through the overnight hours. According to the FOX Forecast Center, the lower Mississippi Valley is the potential bull's-eye for a tornado outbreak as a powerful upper-level disturbance punches into the region. The peak time for strong, potentially long-track tornadoes will likely be from mid-to-late afternoon through the evening hours, which means many of the twisters could occur after dark. #severeweather #severewx #tnwx #mswx #arwx #lawx #tornado #mississippi #mississippiweather

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NOTICE LIFTED: The boil order had been in effect since Sunday, when a power outage at a water purification plant caused water pressure levels to drop.

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The Secret of The Black Woman

  #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches the Secret of Women :The Black Woman: "Honorable #ElijahMuhammad said Allah formed Himself--not from a mother, but out of the dark womb of space. Space and the darkness of it became His womb and He came out of that darkness. Then, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said before there was Sun, there was a WOMAN.  Allah came out of the womb of darkness with a womb WITHIN Himself.  EVERY MAN has a woman IN him.  If you notice, the male has the X AND Y chromosome, which has the male and female part.  The female has the X chromosome.  As Allah came out of that womb--the Holy Qur'an calls it "triple darkness"--He had a womb within Himself.  He STUDIED Himself and from Himself He fashioned Woman.  SHE is His FIRST ACT of CREATION. This is why you don't understand the woman and you cannot deal with a woman; you think she is a man's woman.  She is the Woman of God. Women are fascinated with men who are DOING things; men wh...

🕯 "Let's Take Arkansas First" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #LittleRock #Pinebluff #Fayetteville #Jonesboro #Tsunami #Earthquake #evacuation  "Then they answered Joshua, "Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us WE WILL GO." Joshua  1:16 The Exalted Christ, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches "This (Messiah @LouisFarrakhan) is one of the strongest national preachers I have in the bounds of North America. Everywhere you hear him, listen to him; everywhere you see him, look at him; EVERYWHERE HE ADVISED YOU TO GO....GO! Everywhere he advises you to stay from, stay from; so we are thankful to Allah for His great helper of mine, Minister #Farrakhan.” ⭐⭐⭐ Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches "Let's TAKE #Arkansas‬ FIRST! We want to START in Arkansas, the same way they started buying the land and then working the hell out of us by picking the cotton to make America rich and strong!  Let’s Go Back Over That Road!  Let’s take their faces, give it back to them…  We don’t wa...

Add It Up: The Case for Reparations

  #reparations  Add It Up: The Case for Reparations 🚨 # Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "IF you add it up white folks, you are going to have to GIVE US THE WHOLE COUNTRY!  Add it up White man!  The WHOLE THING 🇺🇲 belongs to the oppressed! IF YOU ADD IT UP!! We’re NOT asking for the whole thing. BUT WE DO DESERVE the WHOLE thing! Just give us SOME of it(America) and let us go to build a nation for OURSELVES.  Since you don’t want us! Don’t keep us here and kill us! Let us GO and let us build a new reality in the name of #God! Let us build for God #MasterFardMuhammad. "And what if we(America) DON'T do that?"🤨 It’s your thing; do what you wanna do.  You don’t have to give us anything. BUT God (Master Fard Muhammad) said HE’S THE POWER TODAY!  And He’ll TAKE the Kingdom from whom He pleases, and He will GIVE IT to whom He pleases.  When I ask for #reparations, I’m asking you to SAVE YOUR LIFE. But if you don’t want to save your life, then leave it ...

🚨 High Wind Warning: "The same storm poised to trigger severe weather to parts of the southern United States from Tuesday to Wednesday will bring a blast of high winds as colder air sweeps from the Midwest to the Northeast:

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Players Vaccinations; All of A Sudden They Can't Play

#NBA #NFL #MLB #NHL #AllofaSudden ⚠️ For the most part we generally don't get too caught up in Sports. But last year when the whole world of sports claimed to have been 💉 , I just wanted to SEE... And Players are getting hurt, staying hurt. Playing like their "talent" has left them... Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warned the enemy to stop trying to deceive us with sports.  And he warned the athletes to stop being used to distract us from The Fall of America  And This year has been interesting... Peace @kyrieirving 🚨 The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns "The people of this world will stop at nothing in trying to seduce you to follow them and remain with them so that you, TOO, will share in their DOOM.  They ask you to take part in their DOOM and you accept.  When accepting the call to their false friendship you are accepting death. I hope you remember what I said to you concerning the PREPARED DESTRUCTION by Allah #MasterFardMuhammad for this people AND you who take part W...

To All Sisters Who Had Tubaligation

🕯 #Christ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad message to Sisters who can't have children: Sister Betty Teaches "In 1968, I also remember a very important day in my life when I had asked a personal question regarding having ‪children‬.  I asked him (Honorable Elijah Muhammad) what will happen to those sisters, like myself, who could not have children?  He said that I should be ‪‎PATIENT‬, Allah would bless me to have children.  But I told him I had an operation #tubaligation before coming into the Nation and could not have any children.  He said that Allah #MasterFardMuhammad would take those sisters to an ‪‎Island‬ in the ‪‎Pacific‬ so that they would be able to have children in the ‪‎Hereafter‬ and live a LONG LIFE.  Just pray to see the #Hereafter. All Praise is due to Allah." Sister Betty Muhammad: Dear Holy Apostle  Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or #dailywarning189 

🔥 Heat And Fire: The Last Sign: If We Are To Survive The Departure of Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

  🛸 #drones #ufo #TheWheel ⚠️ In the 1995 movie HEAT with Al Pacino one of the characters said, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around the corner." I think about that quote as we consider The Time we are living in. When AT any moment now, the Messiah departs. Then, in intervals, groups of Believers will be TAKEN AWAY From this Hell, none of us being able to take anything with us but the clothes on our backs. So we shouldn't get so attached to anything or anyone who is not with Messiah @LouisFarrakhan, no matter what they SAY. Watch what they are doing.  Some have become attached to food, as a replacement for pleasing Allah, we seek pleasure from Food, which will cause us to lose out. 🚨 All hell is about to break loose in America.  The people feel it. Everyone is dissatisfied, Anger is spreading like wildfire. We all have plans. Satan has Plan...

If You Are Not With Farrakhan...

#Christ warns "The enemy cannot be but a hypocrite who will now try to change to offer you friendship. The same enemy who fought and killed you yesterday cannot turn overnight and become your friend.  BE WARNED and be careful of how you deviate and follow such evil-tongued people as you see now appearing, for in a few days, God will destroy them ALL with those whom destruction and justice is due.  May Allah pour upon the hypocrites the chastisement that He poured upon my Mother's son, my own brother who rose up against me in 1935 and joined himself with those who were bent upon taking life away.  This was for no cause other than jealousy and envy of my mission.  May Allah STRIKE THEM WITH TERROR and GRIEF that they may not have rest day or night for they return to me evil for good.  I have been better to them than they were to themselves.  Let Allah judge between me and the hypocrites and disbelievers who take Allah and His Messenger and religion for mocker...

🕯 My Vision of The Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

🕯 I had a vision of Messiah @LouisFarrakhan the other night.  We were in a very small classroom. And it was not a lot of believers.  And In the vision He gave us an assignment.  We had to write a kind of exit letter.  We had to write a letter similar to the letter we wrote to get registered. But it was an exit letter.  We had to write a letter To get out of this world. And the feeling was he was about to leave, and some, depending on if their letter passed, would be allowed to leave too.  Not leave WITH him, but soon after. And for some reason I kept messing up on the envelope. Even though the letter was only a page my envelope looked like it had a clothes or a shirt stuffed in it.  It was all puffy and wrinkled and hard to write on. I tried my best, and I'm rushing and very nervous cause the feeling is he is about to Go.  But it's very hard to write on this wrinkled envelope, so when I finished with mine, I handed it to him.  And he looked ...

America: One Country Against God

  #NationofIslam #Ramadan #MasterFardMuhammad  ⚠️ America: One Nation Against God Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns “Which One Will Survive the War of Armageddon?" (WWIII) This is a question that Master Fard Muhammad asked, where on a blackboard under this question was a picture of America's flag of stars and stripes on the left side, and the Flag of Islam's Sun, Moon and Stars on the right side. Underneath these flags were the words: #Christianity vs. #Islam. Islam (The Sun, Moon and Stars) or the Stars and Stripes?  The American flag has great meaning, but the Flag of Islam has greater meaning, because the American flag cannot exist without The Sun, The Moon and The Stars.  The people of The Flag of Islam are the people of Islam.  The people of this, the American flag, are the people of the Cross. Now look at this: America right now is leading the nations of the West—#England, the European Union; even #Japan, and some other nations—against what? Islam.  Mas...

Earthquake Warning: Always Keep A Bag Packed

🚨 #Tsunami #Earthquake #Christ warns "BEWARE. There will be MANY other #earthquakes. They will happen ANYWHERE -- #Illinois and in other states, cities and towns-- NOT California alone.  For Allah #MasterFardMuhammad INTENDS to DRIVE the people from THAT area.  If it Pleases Allah, He Will Drive EVERY LIVING THING OUT of #California and PUSH them BACK toward CENTER of the country. ALLAH (God) Will DO THE East coast the SAME WAY,  according to the teachings and prophesy of the Holy Quran.  He will Cast them between a narrow place and they will confess that they are beaten and driven by calamities." Honorable Elijah Muhammad  Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or #dailywarning193 

Earthquakes Are TERRIBLE

🚨 #earthquake #tsunami Warning: When We Realize God Was Holding Back: Our TIME to Prepare is just about up.  If we think the shelves are empty now... When this Major Earthquake strikes and the wars turn HOT, even if the earthquake doesn't destroy our city it may be a while before the roads and highways and water mains and railways are fixed.  And all we have stored in our homes is all we will have for months.  Maybe thats why Messiah @LouisFarrakhan said store 3 months of food, water, supplies IN our homes?  And if covid has caused us to go through our supplies, a trial run, hurry up and replenish what you have used and utilize what you have learned, and share with others because... 🚨  #Christ warns "As SURE as I am WITH YOU these things are BOUND to HIT America.  #Earthquakes are things that are TERRIBLE because they don't give you ANY PLACE FOR REFUGE.  They SHAKE under your feet and you don't know WHEN they are going to MAKE a CREVICE that will DR...

He Will Drive Every Living Thing Out of California

  ⚠️ #Tsunami #Earthquake #Christ warns "BEWARE. There will be MANY other #earthquakes. They will happen ANYWHERE -- #Illinois and in other states, cities and towns-- NOT California alone.  For Allah #MasterFardMuhammad INTENDS to DRIVE the people from THAT area.  If it Pleases Allah, He Will Drive EVERY LIVING THING OUT of #California and PUSH them BACK toward CENTER of the country. ALLAH (God) Will DO THE East coast the SAME WAY,  according to the teachings and prophesy of the Holy Quran.  He will Cast them between a narrow place and they will confess that they are beaten and driven by calamities." Honorable Elijah Muhammad  Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or #dailywarning193

The Eternal Leader of Nation of Islam

  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "When you are weak and your enemy is STRONG, never try to match STRENGTH with STRENGTH.  You have to OUTMANEUVER the strong man until he gets weak and You GET STRONG. Did you see the way that beautiful brother of ours #MuhammadAli; did you see the way he did the "Bear" in?  You see, the Bear was strong but he (Ali) was SWIFT. So he (Ali) let the Bear swing, and he MOVED. And he Moved. And when the "Bear" swung out, he swung In. But the point is when you deal with a strong enemy💉 you have to outmaneuver him.  And that's why I say that the Honorable #ElijahMuhammad is such a Great Leader. Because the man is a Master Maneuverer Anytime a man maneuvers in America; not for a decade, but four decades, that man can maneuver brother! And he maneuvered us.  We #NationofIslam) have NO GUNS, NO WEAPONS, NOTHING! But we have maneuvered right on through a MOUNTAIN of HATE.  The government AGAINST us, our people AGAINST us, EVERY organiza...

🚨 They Were Living Their Lives Just Like us

⚠️ On February 6, 2023, a 7.8 earthquake destroyed hundreds of thousands buildings in Turkey & Syria. All those homes, businesses, places of worship destroyed in seconds.  Since February, There are at least 1.6 Million still living in tents. They sleeping in tents with no running water, no electricity, no heat, in Winter. The Messiah warns the Major Earthquake that will strike America will be 11.0 to 13.0 Hundreds of thousands times more powerful than what hit Turkey & Syria   After the devastating earthquake hit southern #Turkey and northern #Syria in February, 1.6 million people are now sleeping in tents. PLEASE watch these short videos and see for yourself a glimpse  of what is coming and try your best to be prepared for it. "As southern Turkey rebuilds following the catastrophic earthquake in February, once again women are being impacted the most with many...

What If It The War Went Hot Tomorrow

⚠️ #DisasterPreparedness: 🚨 What If War Broke Out Tomorrow? What If We (In America) Are Ordered, By God #MasterFardMuhammad, To Stay In Our homes Until HE says come out? Will you let the disbelievers argument against lockdowns get you killed? When you SEE What's coming you will forget all about their silly games to keep us distracted from The Chastisement of God. What if during this War our Water is turned off, our electricity is turned off, our gas is turned off; In the Middle of the winter? How long would you be able to survive when it's 40 below and you have no heat? You ask, How Do I know if the War starts tomorrow? I ask you, How do you know it's not? Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns We MUST Have THREE Months of Food, Water, And Groceries IN our Homes. This is Just a START. Stock up on what you normally eat. Just REMEMBER,  #NavyBeans help our body fight radiation sickness. Not rice, not pasta, not lentils, Navy Beans.  Christ warns this War will go nuclear.  Messiah @...

⭐⭐⭐“Here I am, Elijah Muhammad! I stand at the door and knock. If ANYONE hears My VOICE (Messiah @LouisFarrakhan) and opens The DOOR, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. To the one who is VICTORIOUS, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father #MasterFardMuhammad on His THRONE.” Revelation 3:20 #dailywarning199

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Hear My Voice: Farrakhan

 ⭐⭐⭐“Here I am, Elijah Muhammad! I stand at the door and knock. If ANYONE hears My VOICE (Messiah @LouisFarrakhan) and opens The DOOR, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.  To the one who is VICTORIOUS, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father #MasterFardMuhammad on His THRONE.” Revelation 3:20 #dailywarning199

#Christ warns "He #MasterFardMuhammad said: "We KNOW how to STOP this devil." and He told me: "We've been PREPARING for him for SIXTY years." He said: "We're READY." And the devil KNOWS that. And there is an ex-General in #Pakistan and he told me the SAME THING.  He said "We've been PREPARING for this devil for SIXTY years, seventy now, and NOW WE'RE READY." He said, "We just got to get back and MAKE ROOM for you, because WE ARE READY. He's NO GOOD. And the ONLY way out of this is to KILL him." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: No Guns(On YouTube) ⚠️ "Last month, a Chinese entrepreneur making medical equipment for consumers told me that local officials had demanded he convert his production lines in China so that they could turn out items for the military. Communist Party cadres, he said, were issuing similar orders to other manufacturers. Moreover, Chinese academics privately say the ongoing expulsion of foreign colleagues from China’s universities appears to be a preparation for hostilities. The People’s Republic of China is preparing to go to war, and it is not trying to hide its efforts. Amendments to the National Defense Law, effective the first day of last year, transfer powers from civilian to military officials. In general, the amendments reduce the role of the central government’s State Council by shifting power to the CMC, the Communist Party’s Central Military Commission. Specifically, the State Council will no longer supervise the mobilization of the People’s Liberation Army As Zeng Zhiping of Soochow University told Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, “The CMC is now formally in charge of making national defense policy and principles, while the State Council becomes a mere implementing agency to provide support for the military.” “For the past 40 years, China’s Communist Party has been preparing for brutal war, and now the ruling organization is accelerating its plans.” The Party, as it readies itself for combat, is leaving nothing to chance. In March, its Central Organization Department issued an internal directive prohibiting the spouses and children of ministerial-level officials from owning foreign real estate or shares registere

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Be ready with limitless fabrications fake news about current Covid protests in China / Western agents & journalists giving order, training to attempt color revolution. Wonder if they will use the "policemen take viagra to rape protesters" expect any BS, no limit to imagination

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🕯 Why They Can't See What You See

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Gaza #Palestinians #yemen #taiwan #China #Russia #WW3 #Armageddon #TheWheel #ufo 🕯 Why They Can't See What You See ⚠️ Why Waste So Much Time Arguing with dead people walking, hypocrites & disbelievers?  Waste of Time: They Won't Believe Till That Fire Comes. Our Duty, Our Mission, is a Clear delivery of The Warning of God's Wrath. We are not sent to convince anyone. Only to warn. And IF they reject the warning, move on and let God handle the disbelievers.  "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  For in the days BEFORE the flood (Destruction), people were eating and drinking, partying, marrying and giving in marriage, UP TO THE DAY Noah entered the ark; People didn’t REALIZE what was going to happen UNTIL the flood came and swept them all away.  THAT is the WAY it will be WHEN the Son of Man comes." Matthew 24:37 Mother Tynnetta warns, "The hypocrites...