
Showing posts from January, 2023

They Are The Same As They Were When They Were Slaughtering Us During Slavery

  #famine: Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "There will be 3 HARD Years Believers that we will have to ENDURE.  But ONE year will be HARDER than ALL the rest.  And the Bible says if those days were not shortened, for Gods Elect sake, not one soul would be left alive on the earth.  You're going to witness an awful LOT of BLOODSHED.  You will witness FAMINE like you have never seen.  The scriptures say you will look at your little fat babies, with the thought in mind, of eating your own children.  That's how TERRIBLE the Famine is going to be.  All of this, does not have to happen.  That's the beauty. I could not leave you without saying there is still hope.  The enemy is so angry with God with his growing loss of prestige and power that he is DETERMINED to take every one of us down with him.  He set the white male on you (sisters) and he set the white female on you. ( brothers)  He KNEW that God wanted you(Blacks) to SEPARATE(From ...

If You Claim You Love Everybody...

  #TheBlackExodus "O God! If only You would DESTROY the wicked! Get out of my life, you MURDERERS! For they speak against You wickedly; Your enemies take  Your Name , #MasterFardMuhammad in vain...Shouldn’t I HATE those who hate you? I HATE them with PERFECT HATRED!" Psalm 139:22

⚠️ The War of Armageddon: The Battle In The Sky

  #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Now PAY ATTENTION to THESE words, "She(America) will fight and continue to fight."  He (#ElijahMuhammad) mentioned #Vietnam‬ and other areas of ‪#Asia‬.  But the LAST FIGHT (War of #Armageddon) will be in EAST‪ GERMANY.‬  And there she (America) will be destroyed.  "I want to talk about #EastGermany.  We THINK East Germany and #WestGermany have united.  They broke the wall down, but they're NOT united.  East Germany has been forty years under the Communists (‪#‎Russia‬) and West Germany has been forty years under American and Western Democracy.  And these are apples and oranges, and it's very difficult to produce the integration.  The ‪COMMUNISTS‬ are rising again and they are sick of this Western style of Democracy and #capitalism.  And the hard liners that are rising want the RETURN of the #SovietUnion.  And SOON they're (πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²) going to ask you (soldiers) to go back to ‪‎Europe‬.  I woul...

How To Survive World War 3: War of Armageddon?

  How To Survive World War 3: War of Armageddon? Who Is Minister @ Louis Farrakhan ? He IS the  Jesus The World Has Been Looking For. He says of himself: I Am The Bread of Life I Am The Light of The World I Am The Door of The Sheep I Am The Resurrection and The Life I Am The Good Shepherd I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life I Am The True Vine πŸ•― All who HEARS Farrakhan , and OBEYS what he says, will walk in his LIGHT during this period of INTENSE DARKNESS that has spread over this evil world. When we are obedient to the Messiah, though we were dead spiritually, we will be resurrected into Spiritual Life. Messiah @LouisFarrakhan is THE ONLY WAY to the Exalted  Christ , The Honorable Elijah Muhammad , and The True and Living God, The Mahdi , Master Fard Muhammad .  To follow Farrakhan in TRUTH we become part of The Body of Christ .  If you would like to support this work please make your donation at either $DOOMALERT or

The Wheel & The Last Days

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #TheWheel And The Last Days πŸ›Έ #TheWheel #ufo: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns "The #MotherPlane is made of the FINEST steel in #Asia.  It was made on the Island of #Nippon (#Japan) in 1929, and also took flight that same year. Black, Brown (#Japanese), Red (#NativeAmerican) and Yellow (#Chinese) Scientists built the Mother Plane. The Scientists did not know what they were building. Her size is Half-mile by Half-mile square. Her shape is OVAL. Her speed is up to 25,000 miles per hour. Her flying ability is twenty five thousand (25,000) miles per hour in ANY direction, up or down, to or fro, in any direction without making a complete directional turn. Her contents are 1,500 small circular planes, as the devil calls them, #flyingsaucers (#ufos) These small planes carry three (3) bombs each, they also shoot flames of fire.  The BLACK MEN who pilot these small planes have been taught from the age of six that they are to do a special job. These pilot...

πŸ•― Because Some Like To Suffer in Silence: Help Them Any Way

Image πŸ•― Because Some Like To Suffer in Silence... You notice Messiah @LouisFarrakhan is always keeping our suffering people on our minds and hearts?  Are You yourself suffering now? Are you going through something very difficult and it seems like there is absolutely no one who can or will help you and you are praying that God's Help really comes soon? Do You Really Need Help With Your present situation or Trial??  Brother Jabril advised all of us to read this small book "How to stop worrying and start living" by #DaleCarnegie. A Very small but powerful book that you can get off amazon used for as little as $2. In this book, one important lesson is repeatedly taught. And that is when you are going thru something difficult, a very hard trial, and you need MUCH help. And no one that you know seems able or willing... Instead of worrying about it, focus ALL your attention on helping somebody else with THEIR problem or trial. There is someone else...

πŸ•― Departure Watch: Allah Will Not Waste Any Time Destroying America

  #earthquake #tsunami #fires When it’s Time to #Evacuate, NEVER hesitate.  Never waste time worrying about what we are leaving behind. If we are wise enough to pack a Go Bag, we can just grab it and GO! Because some may lose precious life worrying about THINGS. Some may die because when it’s time to GO, they are packing a bag. If we haven’t done so, pack a bag now. Take your time and focus on what we will need to get us out of Destruction to our brother/sister house.  Don’t stuff the bag with clothes, it will slow you down.  Our Brothers and Sisters will cover down for us.  We can Forget about what we think we know about Disasters.  When The Messiah is TAKEN, Every Destruction Goes from zero to 60; INFINITELY WORSE. Did you know Christ Warns NOTHING From This World Will Be Allowed Into Hereafter? He said We Will Only Be Allowed Out With The Clothes on Our Backs. So why trip out over any thing? What should we pu...

Try Your Best To Be Prepared

#NationofIslam #earthquake #Tornado #helene #HowToPrepareForDisaster #waterstorage #storingwater #disaster #DisasterPreparedness  🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan has WARNED and PRAYED that we Try our BEST to Be Prepared for the Cataclysmic Destruction we Face in America from A Major #Earthquake and other Plagues.  According to THAT prayer, If we really INTEND on surviving the destruction of this world we are going to need WATER.  How Much Water Do We Really Need?  At LEAST 90 Gallons per Person  Three Months. Per Person. Where does THAT number come from?  Well...FEMA warns us to have 1 gallon per DAY, per PERSON,  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns,  "And I Pray that what WE SEE going on in the world,that We TRY Our BEST To Be PREPARED. You Need To Store Some Water IN Your Homes. You need to store some food IN your homes, Groceries. That Will Allow You To Be IN Your Homes From 2-3 Weeks or 2-3 MONTHS." #Farrakhan 3/31/11 Press Conference  3 Months =...

🚨 EXECUTIVE ORDER: "WHEN America is Pulled Into This War, They Are Coming For Me." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan

  #Gaza #Palestinians #Russia #Ukraine #China #Zelensky #NATO #WW3 #Armageddon #TheWheel #Mothership 🚨 EXECUTIVE ORDER: "WHEN America is Pulled Into This War, They Are Coming For Me." Messiah @LouisFarrakhan ⚠️ As we are waiting to SEE the Departure of the Messiah, our feet and our hearts are RUNNING FAST AWAY from him. We KNOW He does NOT approve of what we are THINKING and DOING in the Darkness. 🚨 "You Are Already Deviating!" Messiah @LouisFarrakhan πŸ•―They talk about this book that the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²presidents write in. Like a journal or diary. An ABOVE TOP SECRET book. Let's just call it a  BOOK of SECRETS Imagine since the very first president there is this BOOK of SECRETS that has been passed down from president to new incoming president.  That all the Presidents of the past wrote in it all the things they learned, America's greatest threats, her most loyal allies,  about other countries, etc. Let us Imagine..  Have you co...

The Black Exodus: The Case For Separation of Blacks & Whites

#TheBlackExodus "And THE LORD, #MasterFardMuhammad said to The Honorable Elijah Muhammad,  “Why do you cry to Me? Tell My people, Blacks in America, to GO FORWARD. But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and My People shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. And I will harden the hearts of Caucasians in America, and they will charge in after Black people.  THEN My Great Glory will be displayed through crushing The American Government AND her troops, chariots, and charioteers. And Caucasians shall KNOW that I, Master Fard Muhammad am The LORD, when I have gotten Me honour upon this wicked government, upon her chariots, and upon her horsemen." Exodus 14:14 

πŸ•― Exotic In The Masters Hand: How Well We Endure

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC πŸ•― Exotic In The Masters Hand: How Well We Endure πŸ•― The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches "I say, my beloved followers, have PATIENCE. SUFFER a little while, for surely DELIVERANCE (From poverty, sickness, loneliness, oppression, evil) is on its way and you SHALL be DELIVERED. And you shall REJOICE when others will be grieving, who have persecuted you and have even plan your death. You have no one to fear but Allah. #MasterFardMuhammad Do not fear this evil world and its people. They can not harm you, as long as Allah is with you. And He's ever WITH you, as long as you are WITH Him." - Honorable Elijah Muhammad "TEST Me (Master Fard Muhammad) in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and SEE if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out SO MUCH BLESSING that there will not be room enough to store it." Malachi 3:10 “Let your eyes be COOLED at what We have given certain classes of them (...

⚠️ BRICS in The Face: Keep Your Eye on Your Banks, Your Money.

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Gold #Silver ⚠️ BRICS in The Face: Keep Your Eye on Your Banks, Your Money. 🚨 After This recent #BRICS Summit in South Africa where Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt were admitted with many more countries lining up ready to join this powerful monetary group as well as do business with each other now, have you notice the strange things going on in America with the banks? With the prices of food? Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warned that Allah has turned the whole world against America in order to destroy her. Have you considered all of the countries in Africa that are kicking out the puppet leaders who had been pimping the people out to the West? Watch this Hilarious  short video of our African Sister trying to warn us in America what will soon be at our doors as the whole world is rejecting the U.S. $Dollar and ANYTHING connected to it. ⚠️ I read a report years ago about how China had been stoc...