
Showing posts from July, 2022

🕯 The Sure Truth: The Only Reality

#Russia #WW3 #Armageddon #earthquake #Tsunami  🚨 A Major Earthquake Is Coming to America 🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "I Can Warn you (🇺🇲) in the name of Almighty God Allah #MasterFardMuhammad that He will TAKE one of your cities and DESTROY IT COMPLETELY with an Earthquake to show you His Anger, and you'd Better Leave the People of God Alone." #Farrakhan  The Exalted #Christ: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns "#SanFrancisco WILL Be COMPLETELY destroyed by earthquake and the following Tidal Wave will take out #Oakland."  🚨  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns, "This is the MOST DIFFICULT press conference that I have EVER been a part of.. I saw the Earthquake‬ in Japan‬, And the Tsunami‬ that followed. And the damaging of the nuclear‬ reactors that begin poisoning the air and the water.  I begin to age AS I was looking at it because I KNEW there was a Deeper Significance that ‪Allah wanted me to LOOK INTO.  When...

The Fall Of The Dollar

  #inflation #hyperinflation #bitcoin #Christ warns "The stronghold of the American government is FALLING to PIECES. She has LOST her PRESTIGE among the nations of the earth.  One of the greatest powers of America was her #dollar.  The LOSS of such power will bring any nation to weakness, for this is the medium of exchange between nations.  The English pound and the American dollar have been the power and beckoning light of these two great powers.  But when the world went off the #gold and #silver standard, the financial DOOM of #England and America was SEALED.  Today, the #currency of America is not backed by ANY sound value—silver or gold. The note today is something that the government declares they will give you the value in return, but does not name what the value is.  The pound has lost 50 percent of its value. America’s dollar has lost everything now as power backing for her currency, which was backed by gold for every $5 note and up.  All ...

If You Can Help

 This is Just The BEGINNING of SORROWS; as The #Plagues get worse, one catastrophe after the other.  Is there anyone who benefits from the CONSISTENT work done here that can make a difference Today?  Please send donations to either  $DOOMALERT or  #zakat2022

What Does America Owe Blacks in America?

#Maga #Trump #Reparations #separation What Does America Owe Blacks in America?   Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Americans say, REMEMBER the #Alamo, REMEMBER #PearlHarbor & REMEMBER the #Holocaust,”   BUT FORGET WHAT BLACK PEOPLE HAVE SUFFERED?🤔  We, the Blacks in America, DESERVE to be REPAIRED.  We are a BROKEN people and we need to be repaired.  How, Senator Kerry(Sanders), can you heal the racial divide by sweeping the principle of JUSTICE under the rug?  When a husband and a wife have disagreements, if they don't address the REASON for the disagreement, the GAP between the two continues to WIDEN until the division between them is irreconcilable.  Therefore, they have to go before a judge for SEPARATION or divorce and then the court must look at the ASSETS that the wife HELPED the husband to accrue and SHARE it with the woman who is seeking relief.  Well, here we are with you.  We helped you BUILD this country.  We FOUGHT, BLED a...

If America Wants To Survive The Wrath of God

  #reparations Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "Wouldn’t it be wonderful IF America said, "We ask the Blacks of the world to FORGIVE us?  We ask the Black people of America to FORGIVE us for our HYPOCRISY and the HOSTILITY of official United States policy toward Black people, and for the PERSECUTION and DEGRADATION of Black people even after 1863 when we called them citizens and said they were free.  "And we (the government of America) declare our willingness to contribute as much as possible to the healing of mental and physical suffering of any survivors and to provide just compensation for material losses." ‪ Minister Louis Farrakhan: Add it Up : The Case for Reparations  Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or  #dailywarning141

We Must Do Something

  #Departure:  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "I pray that He will Bless my Family. As I pray for you all the time.  I pray that you will make it.  But I don't want you to think that connection to me is enough.  You have TO DO SOMETHING to be worthy to get out of Gods intention against this world.  I thank Allah for having known you. And I pray that Allah will Bless you to be in that number when the righteous take possession of the Earth.  Thank you for reading, As Salaam Alaikum " Minister Louis #Farrakhan: Divine Destruction of America  Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or #dailywarning142


 The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warns "SEPARATION of the so-called Negroes from their slave-master’s children is a MUST.  It is the ONLY SOLUTION to our problem.  You must know that this is the TIME of our SEPARATION and the JUDGMENT of this world, which you and I have known.  Therefore, Allah #MasterFardMuhammad has said to me that the TIME is RIPE for you and me to ACCEPT OUR OWN, the WHOLE PLANET EARTH.  Are you waiting for the Divine Destruction?  COME! Let us REASON together.  FIRST, in order for us to reason, you must have a through knowledge of self.  WHO is going to teach you that knowledge of self?  WHO are you waiting for to teach you the knowledge of self?  Surely, not your slave-master, who blinded you to that knowledge of self.  The slave-master will not teach you the knowledge of self, as there would not be a master-slave relationship any longer." Honorable Elijah Muhammad : Message to the Black Man: Help SELF before He...

Warning To Christian Preachers

#Christ Warns "Allah #MasterFardMuhammad has power over EVERYTHING. Since He has power of everything, He most certainly has power over me to KEEP me and PROTECT me.  That's not going to happen with me and you. No way, because He loves you.  I love you and you love both of us.  We don't have NOTHING to fear.  We have been out of our brotherhood so long in this world, we are joining up again. And we are so happy to do that until no one can now come around trying to make trouble among us, because we both love each other.  I love you and you love me.  The devil, blue-eyed white people, love to get around Reverend. They call him, their man, you know, and Reverend calls himself their man.  Reverend believes in that blue-eyed devil because he calls him Reverend and PRETENDS to be backing him up.  But he's not backing Reverend up into nothing but the FIRE of HELL.  Reverend, can not you see that he can't do NOTHING with me? He don't call me no Revere...

America, One Nation Against God

  #Taiwan #Christ warns "The enemies of ‪God today are the SAME as they were thousands of years ago, THINKING that they will be the winner against Him #MasterFardMuhammad.  America, for her evil done to me AND my people(Blacks in America), shall he ISOLATED and DECEIVED by her FRIENDS (#England, #Germany, #France, #Japan, etc).  The heavens shall withhold their blessing until America is brought to a DISGRACEFUL RUIN." Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Message to the Black Man : Who is that Mystery God pt 2  Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or #dailywarning143

It's Over For America

⚠️  #Taiwan #Ukraine #Russia #China: Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "America will NOT win another war... I don’t know how much time I’ve got—and I can’t waste time.  But you’ll never be able to say that I did not warn you of what America is facing, and what YOU are FACING.  If it costs me my life, I was born to die!  I do not intend to choose the method or the way by which I die, but I intend to choose the state of mind that I will be in! This Qur’an says, “Die not unless you die in faith, die in submission to the Will of God.”  I believe that that’s exactly what I’m preaching: The Will of God!  And you that don’t see America at the Bar of Judgment; those of you who are trying to make FRIENDS with God’s ENEMY, then you go ahead.  She will NOT WIN ANOTHER WAR; and foreign wars and the plagues that are hitting America and the world are destroying the American #Economy and the American way of life. “Come out of her, My people, and be ye not partakers of he...

It's War Time

  #NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Iran #China #Russia #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "It's time for WAR. I heard the Hon #ElijahMuhammad say that Allah #MasterFardMuhammad is going to destroy the 6th AND 7th Fleet. I didn't ask him how, I just know what he said.  It's War Time now." #Farrakhan 

The Wheel And The Last Days

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #WhoIsGod #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "I made a commitment to the #Navajo & #Hopi #Indians. That on July 6, 1986, it was learned that the government of the United States had planned to move(By Military Force) the Navajo Indians off of their land. And I pledged to them that I would be there WITH THEM when the government and the soldiers appeared.  You may say Brother #Farrakhan that is very dangerous.  Yes it is.  But I am convinced more so now than ever before that there is a Power with me that the United States Government will soon recognize, if they haven’t already recognized it.  And You TOO will come to recognize it.  I had to be there with the Indians because the United States government is a very murderous government and they will stop at Nothing to get their ends.  But I believed with all my heart that if I were among the Indians, that they (American Govt) would not do anything.  Because IF I’m just scratched a...

The Original Man

  #Pleiades #Alcyone #Christ teaches "We(Blacks) are the FIRST people in the #Sun. In fact, the sun did not make us, but we made the sun, also, the, stars that lights up the once darkened globe. Our God made them.  Not the same One that created Himself and brought forth life from Himself, but other Gods behind Him threw balls out there in the darkness and made light so far into darkness, that you can't find the end of it. Light out there is so far, that we can't make a telescope to pierce the distance to the outer edge.  So, it must be a long ways.  It goes into trillions, sextillions and into all the trillions you can mention.  You just can't find the outer edge. Would you follow a religion that will hang you from a tree?  Would you believe in a religion that teaches you that the cross is a sign of what the murderers of Jesus did?  Would you now follow that same people?  Would you say that #Christianity is right when they teach you that they kill...

🚨 REPENT NOW: Don't Wait Until The Last Minute: Don't Wait To CLEAN UP!

#NationofIslam #FOI #MGTGCC #Iran #Gaza #Farrakhan #ElijahMuhammad #MasterFardMuhammad  ⭐️⭐️⭐️  The Angel Brother Jabril teaches, "We (Blacks in America) are the MOST LOVED objects EVER in Gods Creation.  EVER!  There have NEVER been a people, human beings on whom God has FOCUSED The GREATEST Intensity of love that His Heart can generate. The man Elijah Muhammad who knows God said Master Fard Muhammad Loves us MORE than a mother loves her children. Thats a Man, with the Love of ALL the mothers wrapped in One, and then some, for babies. We're babies compared to Him.  We're still in the kindergarten of His Knowledge.  So be careful how you judge yourself.  Forget about others! STOP Judging yourself!" Brother Jabril Muhammad: The Weak Minded ⚠️ Purgatory: How To Survive The Traps of Satan 🕯 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches, "Allah has to MAKE you SELFLESS.  And Only WHEN you are SELFLESS are you not offended by the wickedness of those whom you hav...

The End Of Grace

#Tornado Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "A GRACE Period is The Time we must ACT in accord with God’s #MasterFardMuhammad WAY of Righteousness.  The TIME and What MUST Be DONE:  Well, if the END of their (Wicked) world was in 1914, why didn’t their world end at that time?  It is because out of The Beneficence and The Mercy of Almighty God Allah that He gave them a GRACE Period of 60 years, not to go more than 70 years. THE END of this world’s time was 1914—but The Great #Mahdi did not come and make Himself known to us until 1930;  The Honorable Elijah#Muhammad met Master Fard Muhammad in 1931; and He was here three years and four months (1934/1935), Teaching the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; In Detroit Michigan, Master Fard Muhammad raised over 25,000 Black people and GAVE ALL OF THEM Holy Names.  So how would you count the 60-70 Years of Grace?  Where would you start it from?  You would START it from The TIME that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was in this ...

The True Children of Israel

#Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches "To my dear ‪#Christian‬ friends, brothers and sisters. And you that THINK that those who REFER to themselves as ‪#Jews‬ are the REAL “Children of Israel." NO!  You have made a theological MISTAKE.  And some of you have made a THEOLOGICAL ERROR, because you KNOW The Truth, but yet you consider your wickedness in promoting a DECEPTIVE LIE.  The TRUE “Children of #Israel” are the BLACK MAN and WOMAN of America!  It is WE whom the scriptures are REFERRING TO, that if you do good by US, God will do good by you!  But look at what you have done, are doing, and are planning to do by a People that God has CHOSEN and TAKEN to Himself." ‎Farrakhan‬ : The Time and What Must be Done pt 5  #dailywarning147 

Leave The White Woman Alone

#Christ warns "The Bible says that Delilah was a TERRIBLY TRICKY woman. She TRICKED Samson going and coming.  And Samson was VERY FOOLISH to let her TRICK him.  She said to Samson, "Oh Samson where lies your strength?"  That was not enough for Samson not to be fooled. If she was so anxious to find out where his great strength laid, he should have been smart enough to NEVER tell her; especially when she was NOT one of his people.  He then made an attempt to see if she was putting one over on him.  She was, then he went right back and let her trick him AGAIN.🤨  You are modern Samsons.  PLEASE brothers, do NOT let Delilah's sister, a DECEIVER, trick you like that.  They are FALSELY making love with you.  They DON'T LOVE YOU.  They only want you to go to the FIRE like they are in for.  Read that and STUDY IT GOOD.  This means a modern Samson and a modern Delilah.  She's out there just looking and winking her blue eyes at you ...

Stock Up On Navy Beans

#DisasterPreparedness: We should store, at Least 21lbs of #Navybeans, per person (adult) in your home(will last 3 weeks).  But 90lbs per person is Best(3 Months).  Keep your Navy Beans and all of your foods in an airtight, water proof container.  There are two ways you can buy Navy Beans. In Bulk, which is cheaper, or from your local grocer. At this point Get what you can, when you can, how you can.  Stock up on as much Navy Beans as you can.  Every time you walk into any store, if they have Navy Beans, buy at least one bag. Because they will soon disappear from the shelves.  If you have been "actively" preparing, you will notice in some areas that the cost of Navy Beans has nearly doubled since last year. Always remember Navy Beans first.  Christ teaches Navy Beans help our body fight radiation sickness.  As the war of Armageddon (#China, #Russia) heats up, he warns this war will go nuclear.  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns When The Major #Ear...

How To Fight Radiation Sicknesses

  #Diet #DisasterPreparedness‬: Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns A Major‪ #Earthquake‬ may destroy Nuclear Reactors releasing deadly radiation in the air.  Also This war is heating up, #WWIII, the War of #Armageddon mentioned in our Bible.  #Christ warns this war takes place in #Germany‬. Between East and West Germany.  They are going to SPLIT BACK UP and go to War. SOON.  WHEN you see this, Maybe you will Realize that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us the truth and he is who we Know him to be, The‪ Exalted Christ‬ Anointed With The Wisdom and Power of God, #MasterFardMuhammad.  He warns WHEN this war starts it will go ‪Nuclear‬.  While those of us living in America will not have to deal with nuclear bombs, we may deal with the fall out from damaged nuclear reactors.  No matter where we live on this planet we have to protect ourselves against Radiation Sickness.  We can prepare for this now by stocking up on NAVY BEANS.  Remember, Chris...

Blacks Must SEPARATE From Whites Immediately!

  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "This is a DAY of SEPARATION. We are NOT all going to be together — ONLY those of us who are LIKE-MINDED." #Farrakhan 🚨 If You Believe God Loves Everyone and Wants Us All To Be Together, Read What The Bible says: "SEPARATE yourselves from among this congregation(Synagogue of Satan), that I #MasterFardMuhammad‬ may consume(Destroy) them instantly." Numbers 16:21  "The sons of Israel who returned from exile and all those who had SEPARATED themselves from the IMPURITY of the NATIONS of the land to join them, to seek The LORD, Master Fard Muhammad, God of Israel, ate the Passover." Ezra 6;21  "When The MOST HIGH(Master Fard Muhammad) gave the nations their inheritance, WHEN He SEPARATED the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the sons of Israel. Dueteronomy 32:8  "Hence I(Master Fard Muhammad ) have said to you(Blacks in America), "You are to possess their land, and I Myse...

Watchmen on The Wall

🚨 They deleted my FB page again. They're probably going to delete this one soon. I've set up a new blog where Allah Willing I'll be focusing my posts from now till the end.  You can follow that blog here:  Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "In the book of Ezekiel 3:17-19, it reads: “Son of man, I #MasterFardMuhammad have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at My Mouth, and give them warning from Me.  When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.  Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul."  According to the dictionary, a #WATCHMAN is a person who keeps guard over a building a...


 Have You noticed The Increase in #fires, #floods, #plagues,  #shootings, #drought, #heatwave, rumors of wars, the darkness, depravity, confusion?  And THEN, When Messiah @LouisFarrakhan leaves, we will SEE how Allah was holding back, and we will witness UNIMAGINABLE DESTRUCTION.  And As The Speed and Intensity of These Chastisements and Plagues Multiply, We Work Very Hard To Keep Up to Keep us informed and show us how to prepare to save our lives.  Will you make a #donation NOW to help us continue To reach MORE people?  Because the MORE people we reach, THE MORE lives MAY be saved.  EVERYTHING we do takes TIME.  It takes Data at the fastest speeds possible.  As God is Blessing us to help you and your family will You PLEASE Help us Today?  Please make your donation here $DOOMALERT or  #zakat2022 #Tribulation2022 #dailywarning160 #theblackexodus19

America Is Number One

#Hamas #Gaza #Palestine #China #Iran #Moscow  🚨 Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "You're(#America) not as good as Mr #Putin or #Russia!  Because the Judgment of God is NOT on Russia.  It's ON America!  You are the MOST ROTTEN nation ON the EARTH!  That is why God #MasterFardMuhammad) has come!  And you are NUMBER ONE on His List TO BE DESTROYED!" Minister Louis Farrakhan SavioursDay 17 pt2  Please send donations to either $DOOMALERT or #dailywarning160


#China #Russia #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "You are seeing now that we’re leading up to war again. You NEED to REALLY look at OTHER MEDIA on your INTERNET, other than CNN, and the corporate-controlled media of America.  Try Russian television (,  Chinese television (;  try Saudi Arabian news service Al-Jazeera(;  try Iranian news service Press TV (  All of these stations will give you the same facts, but ANOTHER VIEWPOINT." ‪Farrakhan‬: The Time and What MUST be Done pt 14� #dailywarning160 

The Wind & The Wave Obey The Messiah

 ⚠️ IF we CLAIM to be #Muslim, #Christian, #Jew, in Scriptures we are Warned God uses the FORCES of #Nature (#wind #rain, #hail, #snow, #earthquake) to Chastise & Destroy nations.  Then HOW in the HELL did we let Satan and his agents (#preachers, #reporters, #politicians, #meteorologists, #seismologists) trick us into thinking God #MasterFardMuhammad is just too powerless on His Own to stop the destruction that is happening around the world?🤔  Have You Ever Considered That God is The One Who ORDERED it?  Do you really believe the #DeepState has more Power than Christ?🤨  Since The Bible Warns us satan will deceive us About God, Have you Considered Exactly WHAT about God will they try to deceive us about?  If God, The Supreme BEING, is a Man. Then Satan is a man too.  A group of evil men and women.  When we turn on the #fakenews, lying #weather people blame #Mothernature and "weather patterns" when They KNOW Who is causing #rain, #hail, #snow,...

What Do You Believe?

  #Armageddon #TheWheel 🛸 Brother Jabril warns "MANY of us, who SAY that we are with him(@LouisFarrakhan), have NOT yet come to terms with, nor come to believe in the FULL TRUTH and value of his VISION;  Whether or not the Honorable ElijahMuhammad is physically ALIVE.  Whether or not TheWheel or the #MotherPlane is REAL.  And whether or not the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is really on his way to MEET with the Honorable ElijahMuhammad on #TheWheel.  Our SALVATION is ABSOLUTELY TIED to our REAL CONVICTIONS concerning the REALITIES of what I just mentioned above.  As he said, over the years, these MATTERS OF FAITH are so CRUCIAL that rejection of his position (on these matters) INCREASES the danger to the lives of us all, and the destiny of the Nation is at stake!  But they don’t have the power over The Supreme Being #MasterFardMuhammad!  Minister Farrakhan CLEARLY STATED that he already KNEW that MANY of us, throughout the Nation, had NOT re...

The Exalted Christ

#WWIII War of #Armageddon #Messiah @LouisFarrakhan teaches "This Man #MasterFardMuhammad that is on scene today has JUICE.  He is HEAVY.  He said that the white man is so insignificant to Him that He wouldn't trouble Himself with the white man.  Just So insignificant.  He said to prove what He has come into the knowledge of, He'll take a slave(#ElijahMuhammad) right out from the foot of the white man and GIVE HIM POWER to DESTROY his civilization.  And that's the whole Messianic mission.  To Raise ONE MAN from among a people (Blacks)who are no people at all.  And GIVE him JUICE and MAKE him a JUDGE." #Farrakhan‬: #TheWheel and the Last Days 7/13/86 (on youtube)  #dailywarning160 

Recession, Depression, Or Judgment Day

  🚨 Get #Gold & #Silver Now! Because All of the enemy's talk of #recession & #depression is smoke and mirrors to get us to NOT THINK about The TIME and What Must Be Done To Survive.  Because When We Continue to THINK on how Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns SOON the #economy will completely collapse and the dollar will be worth NOTHING, this adds more pressure on our minds forcing us to quicken our preparations for the complete collapse and breakdown on the government.  When they say we are ENTERING a Recession removes that sense of URGENCY of impending DOOM.  We must store at least 3 months worth of food and water for every person in our home. 90 gallons of #water, per person.  90 pounds of #navybeans.  Some may think today that you don’t want to eat navy beans every day, but WHEN that Major #Earthquake strikes destroying nuclear reactors releasing massive amounts of radiation into the atmosphere killing many thousands or millions you may change your ...

⚠️ If Major Earthquake Strikes While You Are At A Stadium...

🚨 #earthquake Messiah @LouisFarrakhan warns "You like SPORTS Events? Be CAREFUL. Be CAREFUL. They were sitting up in ‪#Oakland‬ in the stadium and an ‪‎#Earthquake‬ hit(10/17/89).  THAT was the END of the game. Ain't nobody playing no more.  All ‪God‬ #MasterFardMuhammad had to do was SHAKE it just a little.  And you haven't seen ‪#earthquakes‬ like you're going to see it.  And brother let me tell you something, if you've ever been in one, it's a terrifying thing. You see the earth up under your feet? That thing is firm. And it's so firm you believe it will always be that way.  BUT WHEN that earth starts SHAKING baby.  And there is a chapter in the ‪#‎Quran‬ called "THE SHAKING"(Chapter 99).  And it's not talking about what we do up in the disco.  It's The EARTH just SHAKING.  AND WHEN you SEE this, The stuff you're going to see will make BABIES turn grey headed.  That's how TERRIBLE it's going to be."‪ #Farrakhan‬: Divin...